Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Be Alert

I watched a christian film called Time Changer this weekend. It was about a professor who traveled into the future and found that a slight diversion in truth at present produced a huge deficit in truth later. In their time, the eighteen hundreds, they felt that living a moral life led their children in the way of Christianity. They, however, left out one instruction. Jesus Christ, the authority of life. The story unfolds and we learn that a slight diversion from the truth lead to a huge deficit down the road.

A parallel to this idea came to me this morning. Scriptures reveal that the Christian walk involves a humble existence in the physical and spiritual, a submissiveness to one another and self control; that God opposes the proud, that suffering is a must for maturity, that those of faith did not always receive what they believe God for in this life and that some even died through torture.

Yet today in modern, successful ministries there is much talk about faith that heals everyone regardless and an abundant life of wealth and prosperity in things rather than in spirit. Very little if any time is devoted to suffering, submissiveness, a humble spirit to God and others. Is it possible that a slight diversion in truth is taking place?

In the movie, the children of the future thought nothing of stealing, dishonesty, immorality. The church resembled a country club. Will our future produce children with similar problems? A church of Christians that will not learn from or tolerate suffering and that wealth is a right? What happens when trials come? Will they loose faith and faint.

  • In this world you will have various trials but be of good cheer I have overcome the world.
  • Humble yourselves, therefore under Gods mighty hand and he will life you up in due time
  • Those who suffer according to God's will should commit themselves to their faithful creator and continue to do good.
  • Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because he who sufferers in his body is done with sin. As a result he does not live the rest of his earthly life for evil human desires, but rather for the will of God.

Are we alert to the lie of the enemy and self controlled?
1Peter 4 and 5; Heb 11;John 16:33

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