Monday, July 14, 2008

His Image .

Romans 3:29

I listened to Charles Stanley yesterday. Though many wonderful things were said and a great plan laid out on how to live the Christian life, the most important thing I got was this phrase from Romans 8:28. be conformed to the image(likeness) of His son (Christ).

I know we all have heard this from the beginning. We all try to attain this as well. Of course this cannot be attained without the power of the Holy Spirit. We all know this too. This is the new thought, though, that came to me. Why fight it? If this is his goal and it is, then this is God's will, His total, perfect will for our lives. We look, search and wonder about our gifts, our place or our role in life. Well, here it is, To be conformed to His image. The end. Why continue to stumble along in selfish immaturity doing what we want, when we want, how we want or making sure we have done everything, seen everything or experienced everything when we can stop, listen and seek to be like Him.

I've decided to make a list of bible verse of His image when God shows me His image. How about you? I do believe the lists will be slightly different for each of us beause each of us is at different stages of growth. (Thank you Lord for not throwing everything at me at once in the 'lets conform Donna' today.) So this is my plan for our blog. I will continue with the psalms 34 list and do it by verse but I will also start the endless list of verses that reveal the image of Christ to us .

Christ's Image
Psalms 34:6 He hears the cry of the poor.
Psalms 34:14 He does not speak evil or lies.
Psalms 34: 15 His eyes are on His children and he listens to our cry

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