Sunday, July 6, 2008


Prov 14:9b; 2 Cor12:9

God's Favor, Wow! Do we realize what's being said in this phrase? Yet the scriptures tell us at every turn we have God's favor. I think we miss this fact and have trouble believing this truth because we all experience tragedy, sickness, troubles and so much stress in our busy lives. We just need to take time out and sit at his feet a while. Take a break now and then and let his favor pour over us. What a change we would experience in every day life.

Who are these favored people? Who are these people who experience supernatural power, during times of trouble and supernatural strength when life over whelms them? Those who know that His strength is made complete when they are weak. Those who know that He has made His dwelling place within their hearts. Those who know Him as Lord (boss) and Savior(the one who paid their debt of sin). NO it is not Oprah's new world religion. Our God, Our Savior has a name, has a plan, has a home waiting for us, has redeemed us from sin with His own blood (death on the cross), has been raised from the dead and lives in those who repent and ask Him into their lives.

May you know you are part of the redeemed. May you understand that this gives you favor with God. May you know this day that you are called the righteous, holy, saints, the children of God. May you know this day how much he loves and accepts you and always will. Who is the person. What is His name?

Jesus the Christ

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