Saturday, December 29, 2007

Set Free

I've listened to several thoughts from others lately about the result of negative emotions and how they affect our physical lives. The sources do not seem to matter. They all point to the same answer, regardless of their faith background. The answer is this... forgive, release and renew your mind.

These are some of the medical responses that related directly to Christian principles:
  • All negative emotions come out of fear
  • Unhealthy stress is the result of toxic thoughts
  • Too much adrenalin becomes toxic
  • These thoughts create a stronghold in the brain that can be measured
  • Permanent physical changes take place in the brain
  • It takes four days to make a change in the brain
  • It takes 21 days to form a new habit
What is the answer?
Eastern religious practice says: yoga, zen, Qi Jong... to name a few.
Clinical answer: drugs, decompress, change jobs or location ... to name a few.

God's answer in Scripture:
  • Forgive, trust in the Lord, surrender your life to the living God
  • Repent, renew your mind, believe God for the best
  • Take thoughts captive, expect a miracle, look up
Bring the resurrection to every situation in life (John 11:40)
Forgive and release others to God (Eph. 4:32)
Think on truth (Phil. 4:8)
Cast down vain imaginations (2Cor. 10:4-5)
Receive Christ as Lord and Savior (John 3:16)

Robert S. McGee said "Lord, daily cause me to agree with what you think is true of me."
By they way, God has nothing negative to say to His children. Any negative thought is not from Him. He is the perfect expression of the Fruit of the Spirit.

Agree with God and be set free.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

The imprint

We watched a delightful movie this week called Fly Away Home. It was about orphaned geese raised by a 13 year old girl and how she helped these geese fly south for the winter. They used a method called imprinting. Seems that geese and other birds imprint their lives from birth and everything they learn is through this imprinting. The first living thing they see becomes their parent and they learn by watching the parent, even flying south for the winter. Apparently many birds lose their parents through hunters, climate, or building developments. They have a natural desire to fly south but they do not know the way because the parent who helps with the imprinting is gone. Thus the birds get lost, confused, fall into the hands of unprincipled people or are destroyed by hungry animals. However, once the birds are imprinted they fly south and miraculously return to the origin of their birth.

The story has many amazing aspects. The ability of these small creatures to fly a 1,000 miles a day. Their perfect imprinting that causes them to live the life designed for them. The ability to fly back to the exact origin of their birth. Their innocent and complete trust in who they decided was their parent.

The correlation loomed at me. We have a parent. He is God the creator. We have an imprint. We are created in Him image. We have a direction. It is called life in Christ. We can fly through a lifetime. It is called walking in the Spirit. We fly to a designated home. The home is called heaven. We are asked to completely trust our parent. Our parent is Emmanuel, The Mighty God, The Prince of Peace, The Everlasting Father.

Let His imprint remain on your heart and life now and forever, so that you may always find your way home.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

1 John 4:19

We love Him because He first loved us

This week I listened to and read two devotionals on God's unmatched love for us. One talked about how His desire to love us and His desire for us to know the depth of this love is a goal He intends to complete. The other devotional talked about the pleasure of experiencing God's love and how nothing in life can measure up to the personal experience of His touch of love on the soul.

Now I am sure that each one who reads this is similar to myself in that we know the love of God and we seek to encourage others in the love walk. However maybe that love, that agape love, is something we uncover in layers and as we get closer to the center of this love we look back and ask "how did I miss this?"

So let me dig deeper with you and suggest that this love is still beyond our present understanding. For I have no doubt that when we are thoroughly drenched and filled with His love it spills over within and flows from us like a river. Nothing present, past or anything we can experience in the future will ever match the pleasure of His touch. Every addiction, low self-esteem, heartache, bad habits, wrong thoughts, actions or words will be abandoned, for His love heals, fills and completes us. Not to mention the pleasure and joy that comes when we release this love out to others...a love, by the way, He supplies.

I have no doubt that nothing in this life can compare to His love for us and that the only reason we love is because He first loved us and allows us to experience this love.

Monday, December 3, 2007

No Secrets

I Corinthians 4:3-5

I care very little if I am judged by you or by any human court; indeed, I do not even judge myself. My conscience is clear, but that does not make me innocent. It is the Lord who judges me. Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait till the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in the darkness and will expose the motives of men's heart's. At that time each will receive his praise from God.

It is a waste of time to judge ourselves or to judge someone else.
Everything we have ever done will be judged, the motives.
Nothing escapes the eyes of the Lord.
Every thought, action and motive will be exposed to all.
None of us are perfect or innocent

Sobers things up a bit, right? Note the positive ending. It does not say judged and sentenced. For there is no condemnation for us His children (Rom. 8:1). It says at that time each will receive his praise from God. The junk in us will be reveled but God's focus is on the good we did. By the way, the only good we actually do is the good He motivates and preforms in and through us as we trusts our lives to Him (phil 2:13). All the rest is lost.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

The Temple

I Corthians 3:16-17,19

Do you not know you are God's Temple and that God's Spirit lives in you?

When I sit and meditate on that thought, I realize what a treasure it is to be allowed to have the Living God, live in me. His mind, His spirit, His life, His gifts, the Fruit of His Spirit, His wisdom, HIM.... living His life within. My hands, my feet, my heart, my will, my mind occupied by His presence. Think how different our lives would be on a daily basis, if we thought of this each morning.

He comes on invitation, we surrender heart and mind to Him and He lives through us on invitation. Just as we received Him, we live... through grace, by faith.

He amazes me. What a great idea. What a great plan. What a great love He must have for us that we would be allowed to be HIS TEMPLE.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Caught Up

We have been studying Revelation in bible study this year and I wanted to share with you some of the points she brought up about the rapture. We do not see the word rapture. We see the word,caught up in the air, like being snatched up quickly.

There are several points of view on this, which I will list for you in a moment. The reason I write is because I have now been convinced through the scriptures revealed in this bible study that Pre-tribulation is accurate.

For those of you who have never looked into the Book of Revelation, let me simply say this. It is a book about the wrath of God poured out onto the earth because of mans sins, namely the sin of rejecting God and His effort to save us from those sins. Revelation is a time called the Great Tribulation (a book on the subject is the ever popular left behind series).

Varies views on the Tribulation years:

Pre-Tribulation: Believers in Christ are snatched out of the world before the tribulation begins.
Mid-Tribulation: Believers in Christ remain until the first 3 1/2 years are over.
Post-Tribulation: Everyone, Believers included, will remain and endure the entire 7 years of wrath.

My reason to believe in Pre-Tribulation.

Revelation 3: 10-8 - Kept from the hour of testing
Rev 4:1 - The open door to heaven where believers live during the tribulation.
Rev 19:1-4 - Worshipers in heaven during the tribulation
Rev19:11-14 - Jesus comes from heaven with his believers.(White Robes)
Rev14:7 - Tribulation is referred to as the hour of testing which we escape.
Rev 3: 10 - Look at the Greek word terroek... means kept out of (Matt 2:5)
1Thess 1:9-10 - He rescues us from
1 Thess 5:1-9 - We are described as not being from the dark side (people who will experiences the day of the Lord...tribulation)
1 Thess 4:13-18 - A description of the Rapture caught up, terroek (ek)
Romans 8:1 - There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus(believers).

The time of testing, the day of the Lord, the great tribulation, God's wrath poured out, all referr to the great tribulation found in revelation. A time that will last 7 years. It is one last effort of God to cause people to acknowledge Him and His ways.

It is world wide
It is a judgment
It is to cause men to repent
It is to eliminate the world system that is against God
It is to bring the Jew to Christ
It will kill and eliminate most people who receive Christ, those who become believers during this great tribulation. They will receive Him at the cost of their own lives in most cases.

Think about receiving God's grace and love on this side of the tribulation. Decide for Him now and be one who is caught up.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Never Alone

Phil 2:6-11; Heb.4:14-16; Rom 8:38-39

Today, as I came before the Lord in prayer, I had a little conversation with Him. You see, I felt overwhelmed that we, as finite humans, creations who are limited by our very existence, are asked to be like Him. Of course, I am aware that He lives His life through us and we simply trust but do you find even that a bit difficult at times? That things in this life seem to knock us down?

"God," I said, "We are not as unfathomable as you. We are like one grain of sand on a beach filled with sand. We are so insignificant and lack the supernatural power that exists in just a slight move of your finger. You speak and the world exists. Who are we, that we should be like you?"

Then my mind was filled with how He has provided. He lives inside us. He knows our every thought. He knows our prayers, our needs and has the date for that supply appointed before we even ask. He counts the hairs on our head and has us on His mind every second of every day. But best of all is this. He came to earth, lived in human flesh, submitted to the trials and pains we experience and lives forever to intercede as one who sympathizes with our weakness.

We are not alone.

That means when we experience trouble, hardship, persecution, famine, nakedness, danger, or sword, He has been there. There is nothing in life we experience alone; neither death nor life, angles or demons, the present or the future, no power, no height, no depth, nor anything else in all creation is beyond His personal touch, experience, presence or love. He is with us through it all and always shall be.

We will never be alone.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

This We Have

Proverbs 8:11-36; 11:3

Wisdom seems to be the theme of Proverbs. This books tells us how to deal with people. It teaches us how to act, what to say and how to think. What a great guide.

Wisdom is referred to as the most valuable asset we can acquire. It brings prudence, discretion, knowledge. The result? We avoid pride, arrogance, perverted twisted speech (which is speech that lacks faith) and all decisions based on the flesh (lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and the pride of life).

Now get this. Wisdom is a free gift given to us. Yes! You see, as a child of God, it is not a matter of not having wisdom. We have wisdom living in us. God tell us to draw from His wisdom... Ask, He says... And I will give it to you freely and abundantly. That makes wisdom a matter of choice. Do I want to walk in integrity, not, what is integrity.

Prov 11: 3 says... the integrity of the upright guides them. Integrity alone, a result of wisdom, guides us? ( A great book.. Integrity by Henry Cloud).

Wisdom is ours. It is a choice. It is a gift given to us, His children. May we all use the gift daily for this gift of wisdom is something we already we have.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

False Pride

Proverbs 27

My thoughts today come from sections of Prov. 27. Things that relate to pride, boasting, self-praise. Pride, what a mess. Pride fools us all. Just the time we think we have it behind us we get proud of the fact that we think we have it behind us.

My mom use to say, "that person has false pride." It was her way of saying that they had nothing to be proud of but acted as if they were something great. Pride is never something to be proud of because it places us on the throne of our lives. Which to me means that all pride is false pride. We are nothing without Christ. He deserves all the praise, glory and honor. Without Him there is nothing. In Him we have everything. It takes a while to get the message, but the message is this: life is found in Christ, our lives are in Christ, He is life.

Some pointed thoughts from Prov 27:
  • Do not boast for you do not know what a day will bring.
  • Do not praise yourself, let another one do that.
  • As water reflects a man's face so his heart reflects the man.
  • A test: notice how a person responds to praise. Then you will see what is really there.
Watch out, my friends, for false pride.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Keep Watch

I never expected to use this site for anything other than devotionals that inspire. However, this month there is another slice of information about books and now a movie that needs to be identified and pointed to as not honoring for Christians to support and not healthy for children to watch.

The movies: The Golden Compass
Actress: Nicole Kidman.
The Origin: A book trilogy about children Killing God
Delivery Date: December 2007

The enemy is out to destroy, kill and steal. This is just another method to accomplish the goal. I am thankful this world is not our home, that we are just passing through. But while we are here, let's be diligent, let's keep watch.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

We Win

Ecc 3: 11; Romans 8 28-39

Have you ever felt defeated, guilty or condemned, like a total failure? Often those of us in the faith feel this way. We missed the mark, again. We try to do our best and it just isn't good enough. We get discouraged in life. We become shamed, guilty or hopeless. Ever experienced this? Of course you have, we all have. Just know this. These thoughts are not from God.

Romans and Ecclesiastes has the truth that sets us free from these devil devised thoughts. Let me list them for you.

  • God makes all things beautiful in His time.
  • Christ died to cleanse us and give us life
  • He called us to this salvation
  • He justified us
  • He glorified us
  • He is for us
  • He graciously gives us all things
  • He works all things together for our good.
  • He intercedes for us
  • He helps us in our weakness
  • He forgives us
  • He fills us with himself.
  • He loves us as His children.
  • He prepares a home for us.

What else is there. Why should we be discouraged? Why should we look to, listen to or respond to the lies of the devil? If God be for us who can be against us? Who can bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? Nothing can separate us from this love. So why do we?

Monday, October 15, 2007


Psalm 119: 105-112

Sometimes it is good just to read scripture.
Sometimes there is nothing left to say.
Sometimes the power in it hits the spot.
Today is one of those sometimes.
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. I have taken an oath and confirmed it, that I will follow your righteous laws. I have suffered much; preserve my life, O Lord according to your word. Accept, O Lord, the willing praise of my mouth, and teach me your laws. Though I constantly take my life in my hands, I will not forget your law. The wicked have sat a snare for me, but I have not strayed from your precepts. Your statutes are my heritage forever; they are the joy of my heart. My heart is set on keeping your decrees to the very end.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Have Faith

Jesus answered him and said, "Have faith." Mark 11:22
  • Faith is dead to doubt
  • Faith is dumb to discouragements
  • Faith is blind to impossibilities
  • Faith knows nothing but success

Faith makes the uplook good, the outlook bright, the inlook favorable and the future glorious.

by Living Positive in a Negative World.

Be Ready

Psm.13:5-6; Prov13:5-6; 1Peter 5:8-9

The enemy prowls, looks, listens and waits to devour us. He is well aware of our weakness and is ready to pounce and destroy. Are we ready? Do we look at the thoughts, actions and words of our life? Do we check the origin, the motivation?

Jesus defeated the enemy of our soul at the cross. He brought us to repentance, came into our life upon invitation by us, and lives His life through us. He has supplied us with all we need for life and godliness. To be ready means to believe and apply this knowledge. Know the enemy is there to tempt us. He fakes meeting any need we may have BUT with a price. The price is our soul. He wants to kill us, steal life from us and destroy us. Be ready... say NO.

Remember the story in Scripture about the one son who sold his birth right to the other son for food? This bible story is lived every day in peoples lives, sometime in our lives.

Temptation Examples... the lies:

Working for or supporting an immoral situation.
Staying in an abusive relationship to receive a few crumbs called love.
Reaching for a quick fix that compromises what is right.
Taking matters into our own hands and not trusting God's best.
Life is boring and we need a thrill.
The grass is greener on the other side of the fence.
There is only one go around. Did we experience, get or have it all.

These things happen because we have not decided ahead of time to do what is right when the temptation comes. These things also bring pain and destruction into our lives. (A result never advertised.) To be ready means to know that the enemy will tempt us to the easy road, a quick fix, a better way, when God has already prepared the way and outlined it in His word. When we know right from wrong ahead of time and decide to do what is right, we will identify the temptation and turn it down.

Be ready. Say NO ahead of time.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Gift

The free gift of God is eternal life through His son Jesus Christ. A free Gift given to whosoever will come to Him in repentance, a repentance which is a call directly from God Himself. He not only provided the salvation gift through His death on the cross when He died in our place for a debt we could not pay. He made us aware of our sinful nature in such a way that we experienced the repentance necessary to ask forgiveness, turn away from the sins, surrender and invite Him into our lives. He does it all for us. When we responded to this the gift we received new Life, Life eternal.

The Christian walk comes in the same package. In Romans it tells us to live by faith just as we were saved by faith. In other words. We trust God to live His life through us just as we trusted in him to save us.

For it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me and the life I now live I live by faith in the one who gave himself for me.

For it is God who is at work in me to not only will me but to do the work.

What is our part in this whole picture? Trust, belief and surrender through a heart that says, "Here is my life, Lord. It is yours."

Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

If the verse below is true for you, personalizing it by putting you name in the blank.

Romans 5:9 Since___________has been justified by His blood how much more shall_______be saved from God's wrath through Him.


Sunday, October 7, 2007

Truth Prevails

I happened upon the Oprah show this week. An author named Elizabeth Gilbert talked about her book Eat Pray Love. I have not read the book and probably will not as it seems a little new age in nature. (New Age is all about us becoming our own god). Now I do not know of this woman or her spiritual state. My comments are a result of a 30 min. observation from what she said on the show. Her relationship with God is between her and Him.

She talked about being depressed before and after her divorce. As a result she went in search of God and the meaning of her life. She took a spiritual type journey that involved travel to distant lands. She believed God directed her through this journey and led her into the joy, peace and love she now lives. Looks good and sounds good.

But one thing bothered me about the journey, no mention of Christ. She never referred to our savior as the answer to her life's quest nor as the result of her spiritual journey. As Christians we know that Christ is the way the truth and the life. We know that no one comes to the Father except by way of Christ and that He is to be glorified.

She has had great success with this book. I believe the success is due to the deep hunger people have for the supernatural touch of God, a touch that makes us all whole. Connection to Christ, a connection through repentance and acceptance of His work on the cross comes as a result of complete surrender to Him at some point. This type of salvation experience involves personally inviting Christ into our lives as Lord and Savior. This type of devotion to Christ was not mentioned during the interview.

I also noticed that her relationship with God took a lot of work. Meditation, deep searching, much travel and a hope that she would experience Him. Scripture tells us a relationship with God comes as a result of Him reaching down to us not us reaching up to Him. He orchestrates communication, presence, salvation and all the fruits of His Spirit are imparted to us. He is continually reaching out to us and talking to us. He does the work, we respond. This journey looked like a work done totally by her.

The thing I did appreciate about her talk is that Truth prevails. It was as if she stumbled upon bits of truth the Bible freely delivers and has delivered for centuries. Even though these truths were shared, I noticed glory was misplaced. She did not acknowledge Christ as Lord. It was more about her personal happiness, about self. Surrender to a Lord that supplies all our needs did not happen. Maybe that is another reason the world loves this book so much. They get a few treasures from truth but never have to bow down before the One who is Truth.

Listed below are the truths that were talked about on the program:

  • Meditation: Her method referred to being still and smiling from the inside out. I would add "Lord, speak to me." Getting still and closing out the world. Placing our heart and mind on Scripture and then on God as we listen to His heart. The Bible says: be still and know I am God
  • Ask yourself what do you really, really really want to do. I would say this: ask yourself what you treasure. Matt 6:21 Where your treasure is there your heart will be also.
  • Write down your happiest moment of each day. I liked this point the best. Phil 4:8 think on that which is pure, lovely, true, of good report....
  • Change and refine what you say about yourself. I would say: Make sure what you think about yourself agrees with what God says about you. The Bible says: What a man thinks of himself that is who he becomes. As Christians we are Children of God, we are His treasure.

Elizabeth Gilbert was delightful to listen to and watch. She is young and beautiful and full of life. Though I have not read any of her books, I believe from the way she talks she must be zestful, humorous and sincere.

One thing I know. If ever in doubt or in confusion about where the truth lies, look to Christ. Every knee must bow to Christ and every tongue must confess that He is Lord. Anything else is a lie and not from Him.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Babylon Skit

Today I have something very special to send to you. A powerful skit.

My husband sent this to me and when I opened and watched the skit tears filled my eyes. You see, this little skit, which is performed in less that five minutes, says everything I tried to say in my book Faded Purple. A book that took me over ten years and 200 pages to write. This wonderful group of teenagers said the same thing on stage. As a result, they have communicated the message of Christ's power, grace and love to millions. Enjoy

Monday, October 1, 2007


Psalms 64:1-11; Psalms 91; John16:5-16,33; Romans 8:28

I don't think I will ever reconcile with in my heart and soul the horrible things that happen to the innocent. Children that suffer at the hands of unprincipled people or diseases that steal their life. Eventually, in our own adult life, we have to accept the results of mistakes, consequences. We also learn, along the way, that God gets to be God and we either believe He knows what He is doing and that He is a loving person or we do not. Everyone suffers and experience troubles and everyone is called to forgive those who wrong and harm them. In the lives of The Martyrs we hear of today, forgiveness comes even for those who rejoice in the horrid torture of adults and children. When I think of them, the sufferings of the life I live in our society seems minuscule.

Each time I see or hear of a child being hurt I have to run to scripture and try to make sense of it all. Of course, I do not, because my goal is to eliminate suffering from these innocents. Somehow I believe they need more protection and My question to God is where is your protection. Especially to those who are in our own families. Children our hearts intertwine with that we pray for so diligently.

The answers are in the verses above. The one that spoke to me the most today was this. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart. I have overcome the world.
Take heart? That means be brave, believe the best, expect a future that overcomes this present dilemma because there is a future, a future that lasts for all eternity.
Then there is the story of Joseph. Joseph, the one who's own brothers beat up and sold into slavery. Now that could cause a bit of unforgiveness for years. When he saw his brothers he repented and said to them... you meant this for evil but God meant it for good.

I think we need to cling to the cross and seek mercy and help from our Lord as we sit tight through sufferings and troubles. He holds our future. When the end of the story comes, when the stories about all the sufferings of those who trusted in Him are told, everyone will see the why. We will also at that time experience this ...nothing we suffer down here can compare to what waits for us there. And then there is always Romans 8:28 to encourage us everyday.

I do believe we all need to change what we can change, accept what can not be changed and ask God for the wisdom and guidance needed to live our lives here. In the meantime we need to comfort each other, encourage each other and lift each other in prayer as we believe in His plan.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Gather together

Matthew 18:19; Mark 11:24; Hebrews 10:25

The Scriptures ask us to gather together for fellowship, prayer, encouragement. We are asked to visit those in prison, those sick, those discouraged. We as Christian brothers and sisters are a family, a family that lifts, prays, encourages and stands by each other.

We are more and more fractured in our world. America has changed much over the years. Many of us use to live in the country and never even locked our doors. People who visited knew to knock. When that knock at the door came we looked forward to who may be on the other side. Those who lived in the city never had fenced yards. Neighbors waved, said hello and felt as if they belonged to a community, a family. Today we lock our doors, tell our children to not open or answer the door, to run from strangers. We fence our yards and look suspiciously at one who says hello. Is it warranted? Most definitely. The world has become dangerous.

However there is a community, a family called the family of God. We are asked to be open to another child of God, to pray, to encourage, to fellowship, to visit and to become one with each other in Christ. Now, granted, we are not to be foolish. We need to use wisdom. Not everyone who says 'Lord, Lord' belongs to Christ. We can tell who they are by their fruits. What fruits? Those listed in Galatians 5. It is not what a person does that proves their validity. Christ proves their validity as His Spirit within them identifies with His Spirit within us. Do not be foolish. If there is doubt in your heart about anything then don't. God is more than capable of leading us in truth.

Today I was reminded of the support found in this family. Where two or more are gathered in my name I am there. If two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my father . If anyone among you is sick call for the anointing of oil and prayer. Why do we forget these advantages of the family?

My children and myself contracted a virus about 2 months ago. It has not left and is causing endless infections that need to be eliminated. We need the prayers of faithful family members, prayers where two or more agree for our healing so that we may receive health. So today I ask this of you. I will also ask this of two or more who live close by who can join hands in agreemet with me. Thank you.

Thank you Lord for your family, for your love, for your healing.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Purple Cloth

I wrote a fiction book called Faded Purple. It was an allegory and it turned out to be harder than I expected because I am a straight shooter. I like to lay the truth out as plain and open as possible. So the allegory, which talked through symbolism, became difficult often. I wrote this story in allegory form because I wanted to hide the identities of those who became characters in this story even though no one character points to a specific individual. In fact each character in the story is a combination of several people but they all had the same problem. Confusion about their identity, a confusion that caused them to stumble through life, led them into much trouble until they encountered truth about who they really were by understanding their relationship to Abba.

A problem with identity seems to be a common dysfunction amongst believers. I have struggled with it also. We cannot seem to grasp a healthy view of who we are, where we are going and why we are here. In Faded Purple each believer is given purple cloth and this cloth represents their connection to Abba. When they sin or fall short of expectations they see the cloth fade, but in reality the cloth never fades. They, due to feelings of guilt, failure, pride or the words of others, lose sight of their identity. Once Abba gets their attention, He leads them into the truth of His relationship with Him and they overcome.

Christ, of course, is our Abba. He places on us Robes of Righteousness (purple cloth). Since this is His righteousness given freely to us, a righteousness that we did not create, maintain, or even deserve, a righteousness that He puts on us, a righteousness we can not lose or tarnish or ruin, it is ours forever regardless. It is part of the gift, it is part of grace, it is part of salvation. Read Romans. Much time is devoted to this righteousness, where it comes from, why we have it and how it is imparted to us.

I am convinced that the enemy of our soul takes each child of God aside often and tries to convince them they fall short of the glory of God, that they are disqualified and can never be acceptable in God's sight because of sins, or background, or thoughts or... you name it.
When this evil goal to steal our identity is put in place, and a believer buys into the lie, they live like a failure.

My goal this morning is to point to the victory Christ's blood bought for you and me. Part of the armor is the breastplate of righteousness. Know it is part of the gift, part of your salvation and you wear robes of righteousness (purple cloth).

2 Cor. 10:4-5; Eph. 6:13-17; Romans

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Our King

Due to a new awareness of the next generation, our family line and what we will leave behind as an influence, my husband and I decided to go through our old video's and eliminate any unhealthy films. As we watched some of those 'harmless' films, we were surprised at the messages, the language, the sexual connotation's, and the violence displayed. What we accepted in those early days as okay is not okay with us today. And those films from the 1960's through 2000 are nothing compared to what is recorded now. The verse in Psalms that says please deliver me from the sins of my youth popped into my mind often while watching these films.

To be honest, the media, the film industry, the magazines and the advertisements all seem designed to destroy heart, home, morality reality, trust, faith and anything else we value. We are told often in scripture that the battlefield is in the mind. It seems obvious to me that an evil mastermind is out there pouring these perverse thoughts through us in the form of entertainment and we pay to receive them.

Anyway, this week on cable, Turner Classics had the 1930's King Kong. Now 1930 sounds far enough back to be okay...right? Wrong. The sexual tone and violence in this film surprised me. How did it ever get past the sensors of that day? Now King Kong is not a film I enjoy anyway. It's just plain cruel. But we wanted to compare it with the King Kong of today. I had not seen the new one and many said the relationship with Kong was more of a friendship than a girl friend thing. Don't bother. The new one is filled with horrid, graphic violence; though the sexual thing was toned down.

There was one redeeming quality of the film for me. She was rescued by King King often. He was caring, loving and kind to her. She ran to him and found shelter, protection and provision. He was bigger than life... a King. I found a parallel to God's love for us in this picture. In one scene she slept in the palm of his hand, a huge hand that received and held her gently. I thought of the verses that tell us of God's guiding hand. His references to how we reside in the palm of His hand, how we are grafted to His hand. He is our King and He is bigger than life. He is the one who guides, protects, shelters, cares, loves and provides for us. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Isiah 51:16; Jer.18:6; Phil 4:8

Saturday, September 8, 2007


2Peter 3:9

The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting any one to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

Have you ever wondered if you're save? Have you worried about your eternal security or said to yourself... will I go to heaven when I die. Is salvation real and do I qualify?

If so, you are not alone. Everybody questions this at some point in their Christian experience. Well... maybe not everyone. Some people, raised in Christianity, have studied and know the scripture enough that they recognize salvation when they see it in themselves. I however am not one of those. I was raised in an atheist home where Christianity was not practiced. There have been times, often, when I wondered if I qualified.

Times and reasons I've doubted my salvation:

  • When a great evangelist speaks and points out sins I've committed since salvation.
  • When I deliberately sin ( By the way, all sin is deliberate. We do not fall into sin by accident. We choose to sin and everyone sins after salvation.)
  • When someone, who seems to know scripture better than I do, indicates that I'm wrong about the salvation doctrine.
  • When I've wondered if God's Spirit drew me to repentance.
  • When I question things like... did I really trust God, did I say the words right, was my heart in the right place, was it just an emotional experience of the soul, maybe I'm not someone God wants.
See what I mean?
Here are a few facts about salvation where all Christian Church's come into agreement. (These are just a few examples not and exhausted list)

Jesus died for the sins of the all. 1John 2 :1-2; 1Peter 3:18
God wants every one to come to repentance. 2Peter 3:9; John 3:16
He who has the Son has eternal life. 1John 5:11-13
Salvation comes as a gift through grace. Romans 11:6

So relax. If you have ever had a moment with God, a time when you acknowledge sin, repented and asked Him into your life..... You are save. For NO ONE can come to this moment without God. He needs to soften your heart before this experience takes place. He causes this experience to take place. We do not have the ability to come to Him on our own. Get it? If this moment has taken place in your life, it took place because He caused it to take place.

Your salvation, your moment of repentance will differ from others because we are unique individuals. Some people experience great emotion. Others, in a matter of fact way, do not. Some experience an obvious supernatural moment others feel and see nothing. Experience is not where the truth is found. Scripture coupled with your individual experience is where truth is found.

If God has touched your life, and repentance(change of heart, turning around, changed life, new desires based on Christ) has taken place, you have eternal life and you will go to Heaven to be with God through all eternity when this life is over.

Friday, September 7, 2007


Mark 9:50 Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can you make it salty again? Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace.

Jesus, in this verse, encourages us to be like salt. What is salt like? It adds taste. It preserves. It attracts us to water. If we are like salt then we will attract others to Him. They become thirsty for Him like one who is thirsty for water. He not only adds taste to life and preserves life, He meets the deepest need inside us all. The need to be loved, valued and accepted, the need to be whole, the need to be forgiven. He completes us. We, as salt, point others to the only one who can meet these needs.

It's a set up. We are not an accident of nature. The big bang theory is not true. We are created beings, created to need Him. He left a space inside that only He can fill and until we invite Him into our lives we will never 'find it'. Find What? Why we are here, where we are going.. the meaning to life. Saltiness helps us and others find meaning to life because it's found in Him.

I'm talking about a life style that results from a personal relationship with Christ, a relationship so filled with Him and His ways that saltiness comes natural because He is free to live His life through us. Here are a few verses that talk about saltiness and what it looks like in our lives.

I Cor.13. .....The love chapter.
Galatians 5:22-23 .....Fruit of the Spirit
Philippians 4:8.......Where we place our minds
James 3...........attributes of Him

Salt causes us to be like Him. It causes us to be at peace with ourselves, with others and with God. When we recognize saltiness in another committed to Jesus, strife is resolved, peace is restored and our common bond becomes stronger.

Everyone searches for the Living Water found in Christ. Salt increases the thirst.

Monday, September 3, 2007


We are urged often to use wisdom and to glean this wisdom from God. Often we are warned not to use the wisdom of man or seek wisdom from the world, that God offers this wisdom to us freely if we ask.

So, what is wisdom? To my understanding, wisdom is to do, think and act the right way when the demands of reality are in our face. What is the right way of doing things? Usually, most of us know the right thing to do in a given situation. However now that the world communicates as one large city and different cultures rub along side each other, we get confused as to what is right. In Afghanistan it use to be impolite to eat and not burp. In our western culture it is rude to eat and burp. Thus we see how doing the right thing can be confusing.

Christianity, however, is very clear on doing things God's way. The Scriptures point out the right direction to us clearly and calls this wisdom. Proverbs 1:20-33 warns against rejecting this wisdom. James 1:5 urges us to come to God and ask for this wisdom. 1 Cor. 12 lists the manifestations of the Spirit of God, one of them is the Word of Wisdom and the Word of God is filled with wisdom.

As I said earlier, if we do not use wisdom, or reject it, or look away, we reap the result. Today I write to you as I do myself this warning. Use wisdom when the demands of reality are in our face, or we may find ourselves reaping calamity, disaster, distress and trouble needlessly as we eat the fruits of our ways and are filled with the fruit of our schemes.

If we listen to wisdom we will live in safety, be at ease and fear no harm for we will be in God's Grace.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Be aware

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight Oh my Lord my God".

This is from Psalms. It was part of a memory program in my women's bible study years ago. It feels good to be able to say it from memory again.

This verse ran through my mind this morning as I thought about the day before. It was a great day. I spent time with my daughter and her husband, we even had dinner together, the four of us, then we watched a PG movie called Cheaper by the Dozen 2. The movie was funny, not the funniest, but I liked the main actors and enjoyed the message as it supported family values.

However this morning as I prepared for the day I noticed the movie was not that great. I had been duped by the usual. We get so taken in by the world around us that we are not sensitive to garbage thrown at us because it is wrapped in a few family value thoughts or cute silly scenes. This movie contained definite verbal and visual sexual overtones (too much cleavage showing, skimpy suits, a dog after the crotch and humping not a leg this time but a complete female body) that cheapened it's message the morning after.

The movie is a cute movie, fun and funny, too bad it contained unnecessary garbage in its message. But the thing that bothered me most is me. I DID NOT notice it till the next day. I actually laughed and accepted it as a ...nice movie... I read scripture, write to you, enjoy worship, talk with the Lord, Pray with others and in the blink of an eye, in a moment forget to be alert. The junk on the screen before me, wrapped in silly humor, slipped into my soul unchecked.

The world's sickness is ready to creep into our lives at every turn. Be aware and have the courage to say NO, this is enough and not okay with me.

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in you sight Oh Lord My God.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

A Parable

Mark 4:1-20

"It's not what happens to you, it's what you do with what happens to you"

Remember the parable about the sower? I've heard many takes on this one. Some feel that the only seed that makes it is the seed on good ground. In other words if you are not good ground you will not receive eternal life. Another view is that some seed lives (has eternal life) but produces nothing. Still another says that all seed is meant to grow regardless, and that the ground represents different stages in a person's life. That is to say this: we all become good ground when the ground is tilled. Pain is indicated in this point of view for it is never pleasant to be tilled. God would need to dig up the weeds, soften the ground and remove all the stones that prevent a good crop.

I do not presume to know which interpretation is the correct one. I do prefer the last one but you must decide and rightfully divide the word for yourself with the help of the Holy Spirit as indicated in Scriptures. But for now let's look at the passage.

Jesus gave this for understanding:

  • Some people are like seed sown along a path. Satan comes and steals what was sown.
  • Other seed falls on rocky places, they receive the word with joy, but they have no root. Trouble and persecution causes them to quickly fall away.
  • When seed falls on thorny ground, worries, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things chokes the seed and it becomes unfruitful.
  • Then there is the seed that is sown on good soil. It produces a crop of thirty, sixty, even a hundred times.

I'm an incurable optimist. My heart leans toward the belief that God wants us all to live eternally with Him. So my hope is that those who hear the message of the cross regardless of where they are, overcome Satan's lies, become strong under persecution, turn worry and fear over to God's care and dump the lies found in wealth and doing things their way. That He will till the ground until it is free of all debris and soft enough to receive and produce a hundred times sown.

If you have agreed with my conclusion then be at peace with life. Regardless of what happens to us in this life know God is somehow in control and watches over us continually. Remember we have a God who loves us, one who has prepared a place for us when it's all over.

"It is not what happens to you, it's what you do with what happens to you."

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Search for Significance

Search for Significance is the title of a book for all of us. It was written by a man named Robert S. McGee. I had the privilege of listening to this man in person during the 80's. Many of his books are hard to find or out of print. That is why I write to you today. I'd like to put you in contact with his work and ministry. This is his web address:

I'm sure all of you have noticed as have I that people are preoccupied with themselves. Test it out. Say hello, how are you, and notice how the other person soon talks about themselves before they show any interest in you. I had one friend one time that always asked about me first, but I usually diverted to her. She never asked again. We'd talk for hours. When we said goodbye she realized I'd not spoken about my life, but by then, the time was gone. I love her dearly and accept this relationship as it is for she has a kind heart.

We all fall into that trap..... but... Conversation means two people share equally and enjoy each other's lives, show interest, care, even offer to pray together if Christianity is in the picture. Check your conversations. Do your friends get negative, do they rant and rave about something, or dump all their pain on you? Are there any positives, do you leave uplifted, encouraged? Probably not. They are in search of significance, a healing because they do not understand how much Christ loves them.

Another scenario is when someone wants to tell you how great they are, how great their lives are and their importance in society. They too are in search for significance. Addictions, dysfunctional families (we are all dysfunctional by the way), codependency, abuse sufferers all are in search of significance. The examples can go on forever.

So what is healthy? Lives that center on Christ, not self. The knowledge that we are all equally loved, valued and accepted by Him and expressing ourselves accordingly. Anything else is at the very least boring.

The Scriptures tell us to consider others as more important than ourselves, to be concerned about the other person's welfare, to care for the sick, those in prison, orphans, widows and the list goes on. We are asked by Christ to deny ourselves and to take up our cross and follow Him. What does all this mean? Simply said it means our only significance is found in Christ.

Do you know anyone who would lay down their life for you and in that process give you Eternal Life? That person would have to be the most powerful, most loving individual in the universe. His name is Jesus Christ and He did exactly that for all of us. That gives us significance.

The rest that we search for is dysfunctional and comes as a result of the fallen world we live in. Let the life of Christ free you from a wasted existence of searching for significance. The real treasure has already been given to us, the real search has already been done. What we really search for in life is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. This is the abundant life and this is ours through Christ.

No, we do not need to love ourselves more, to get our piece of the pie, to mow the other person down if he gets in the way of what we want. We do not need toys called Bratz, or more Mean Girls, or powerful men. We do not need to be the richest, most beautiful, or the smartest person in the world to gain significance. And those who have given up because the search for significance failed, those in sex, drugs, alcohol, gambling addictions and co-dependant relationships look up. Your freedom, redemption is found in your creator, Christ.

There are many people who point to Christ for this freedom. Robert S. McGee is one of them.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Narrow walk

I listened to a teacher one time who said, "eventually you come to the conclusion that it is just plain stupid to live in sin. Even if I were not a Christian, I'd follow the walk because it's the best way to live."

The more I read scripture, especially the ones in Proverbs and Psalms, the more truth I see in that statement. The actions of our lives and the fruits of our lips reap a result.
In Psalms we get a clue into God's heart and how He loves us. In Proverbs we get a sharp view on how to live with our fellow man. What wisdom.

A few examples for us to ponder
Proverbs 16: 7,5,17,18,24,32
Proverbs 14: 3,4,7,14,15,30
Proverbs 12:3, 12,14
Psalms 128
Psalms 32
It's all about how much God loves us, realizing this and acting accordingly. What we say, think, feel and do affects our lives directly. Like the one in Psalms 128 that says we will eat the fruit of our deeds or in Proverbs 12:14 that indicates we will eat the fruit of our lips. A continual feast is before us, a feast of wisdom that will lead us into not only an abundant life but peace. Something we all need in a world that has never been at peace. Enjoy!
Thank you Lord for your word. Keep us on the straight and narrow road of abundant life in You.

Saturday, August 11, 2007


To God be the glory for the things He has done.

As Christians we accept, believe and understand that this is where glory belongs. We even want Him to receive glory for things He inspires us to do. Sometimes singers point to the sky after a performance. Others in His service say "God gets all the glory for the success of this ministry." It's become an expected response for any action, service or deed done in our Christian world. Have you ever thought about this response and why we automatically do this?

The obvious answers:
We want to honor God.
We feel He requires this honor.
We know He is the only one who deserves all honor and glory.

These are probably true but is it also possible that God is the only one who can handle glory and that is why He directs this action of the heart toward Him? That worship, honor and praise has the power to destroy us. That pride enters into the hearts of us all when we receive glory? Is not pride one of those destructive forces in life?

Scripture often encourages us to give God praise, worship, honor, glory, to exalt Him. We place Him above us and bow before Him when He receives all the glory. Pride is non-existent when He receives all the glory.

Yes, God does us a kindness when He receives all the glory, praise, worship and awe. He brings us the breath of life. He brings us unconditional love. He supplies a future and hope. He counts every hair on our head, keeps every tear in a bottle, He gives us His nature and produces positive actions in our heart. He delivers us, cares for us, watches over us, lives inside us reconciles us to Himself and loves us deeply. Why would we even want the glory?

Without Him the breath of life is gone. Without Him we'd continue in sin. We'd freefall to death for life is found in Him. Without Him love would not exist. Life is in Him. Why would we want the glory?

Whenever you are tempted to bask in the light of glory remember the danger. A great lady named Corey Ten Boom said that appreciation was like a bouquet of flowers. She graciously received the bouquet, then promptly in her heart lifted the bouquet to God.

Col 1:13,27; Jer 29;11; Rom 5:10; Phil 2:13

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The Ministry

Christians often ask, "What am I supposed be doing for the Lord? What is my gift? Where am I to serve? What is my calling, ministry?"

I also asked those questions for years. I spent much time learning about the gifts of the Spirit, the manifestations of the Spirit, the ministry of the Spirit. I studied books on where, how and when to serve. If these were questions for me, I know they are questions for you also.

Here are a few tidbits that helped me. Maybe they will help you.

One source was Experiencing God. The bottom line in that book was to get to know God personally. Once that task is settled in us then look around and see where God is working. If we agree in heart with that ministry, we should join them.

The other huge piece of this puzzle was to know who we are in Christ (the basic understanding that love, value and acceptance can only be found in Him) and to understand His goals (the ministry of each of us to others). Then follow Him as He leads us in random acts of kindness...attributes of His love.

His Goals

Gifts of The Spirit (Romans 12:6-8)

Prophesy, serving, teaching, encouraging, contributing, leadership, mercy.

Each of us is given one of these gifts. What is yours?
A good source for this information is found at, ask them for the Gifts of the Spirit CD.

Manifestations of the Spirit (1 Cor.12:4-7)

Wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miraculous powers, prophecy, distinguishing spirits, tongues, interpretation of tongues.

Since these are a manifestation of the power of God's Spirit, He will place these powers in us as needed. That means we will operate in any or all of them at a time appointed by Him (it's about Him and His love).

Ministries set in place (Eph.4:11)

Prophets, teachers, pastors, evangelists, apostles.

That is where the book Experiencing God helped me. Most of us will find a ministry to fit into and once in that ministry a few will go out and begin a ministry. Not many, only a few. Most of us will be satisfied in our service. If you are at a crossroad on this point, remember God most always calls us to an established ministry first. Then leads us out.

The Spirit of God deals with each of us differently. He places in each of us His love and that Love is expressed through the leading of His Spirit. The result is as varied and unique as the patterns in snowflakes. Yet each of us follow the same

Simply said: Each of us has a gift and this gift can and will be accompanied by one or more of the manifestations depending on its application to the specific ministry we are drawn to through His walk of love.

It's not about the task, it's about His love
It's not about the ministry, it's about His love
It's not about the gift, it's about His love.
It's not about the the place, it's about His love
It's not about the club, it's about His love
It's not about church, it's about His love
It's not about us, it's about His love

If you are unsatisfied, lost, confused, looking for direction, irritated, in sin, then ask yourself this question: What is my motivation? Why am I here? If it is not about Him and His love, change needs to take place, regardless of the circumstance.

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your might and love your neighbor as yourself. Luke 10:12

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Whiter Than Snow

Come now, let us reason together, though your sins be as scarlet,they shall be as white as snow; though they are as crimson,they shall be like wool. Isaiah 1:18

On the day of my conversion, this verse lingered in my heart. He impressed on my soul the whiter than snow illustration. Sin, that scarlet, crimson nature of the soul, now whiter than snow. Thank you Lord, for the sacrificial gift, for your blood that cleanses the sin sick soul.

That verse also lingered today as I read Psalms and Proverbs. I asked God today to give me something to share. As usual, several verses came to view. The Word always ministers to me, corrects me and leads me. Here are a few to share with you. I believe, whoever you are, that the order of these verses will minister to your heart because I asked.

Prov 29:1 One who refuses to respond to many rebukes will suddenly be destroyed without remedy.

If the Lord is dealing with us on a decision, a sin, a pivotal point in our life, listen to Him. Submit, repent and follow His lead for the wrong direction can and will destroy us without remedy (as long as there is breath in our body, there is always a remedy).

Prov 28:10 He who leads the upright into evil will fall into his own trap. but the upright will receive a good inheritance.

Once again, the upright escape evil. Even when led astray they receive that inheritance. What is the inheritance? In this case, what Satan meant for evil, God means for good. Note too that the person who does evil gets what he dishes out. Who are the candidates for evil? Any one who chooses to do evil. ( yes even Christians.)Who are the upright? Those who wear the righteousness of Christ, a gift given to His

Prov. 28:13 He who conceals sin will not prosper, but one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy.

God is so faithful. He reveals sin through the Holy Spirit living in us. Confession is to agree with God about our sin, renouncing sin is repentance... turning around and going the other direction.

Psalms 147:5 Great is our God and Mighty is His power. His understanding has no limits.

There is no sin, wrong thought or action that surprises God. He understands us and this verse says His understanding has no limits. He knows how we got there and knows how we feel. He understands us, accepts and asks us to come to Him.

Psalms 147:11 The Lord delights in those who fear Him, who put their hope in His unfailing love.

What can I say. He is in love with us, His children. He knows what is best. The best is trust, hope, give our lives over to His protection, direction and love. Relax, let Him do what He does God.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


John 3:3-6; Col 1: 21-22, 2:9-10; 2 Cor: 5:21; Heb. 7:26-28, 10:4,10; Eph. 1:4, 2:6; 1 John 1:7; 1 Cor. 6:11;

I wanted to give you several verses today about regeneration. The state of right standing with God that takes place when you become a Christian. By that I mean, if you have had that moment with God, the moment when you personally come to Him, confess your sin and ask Him into your life as Savior and Lord, you are now a Christian. That one moment began a good work in your heart that changed you forever, placed you into the family of God and regenerated you for all eternity.

When you read the scriptures note that you are referred to as the Righteous, a Saint. Now don't panic, especially if your background is Catholic. The word Saint does not refer to someone who has sacrificed their life or did some huge holy thing to be holy. Though those actions are commendable when directed by Christ, they do not clean the heart or make us holy. Christ is the only person who can do that for us, and He did that at the cross. I am referring to the titles given to us when we invite Christ into our lives. Granted we do not deserve these titles for most of us do not live without sin. But God through forgiveness and grace gave us this honor because of what Christ did for us at Calvary.

Even though we sin and often live self centered lives, we are called righteous. Christ is perfect and He lives inside us. His righteousness becomes a permanent part of who we are now and forever. Thus iniquity, wickedness and evil no longer exists in us. Why? Because a supernatural moment took place, when we invited Christ to be in our lives. This moment is called regeneration, born again, circumcision. We became new creations. The old sinful nature, iniquity, died when the old way of thinking was cut out of the heart. God placed Himself, His nature, His life into us. We are new, changed, alive. We are Righteous, Saints.( Read Bob George, Steve McVey or Victorious Christian Living books.)

The reason I bring this to you today is because of Psalms 37. Please read it sometime. The passage refers to the wicked and iniquity often. It also refers to the Righteous. Remember you are the Righteous if Christ lives in you. 1 John 5:12-13.

The Kings Child

The kings child, stolen by thieves, was raised as a slave and forced to live in poverty. The child had no memory of his heritage. One day, he left to fend for himself. After a haircut, the seal on his forehead revealed who he was to all. Everyone bowed before him.
"Why do you bow before me, I am but a peasant."
"But sir, you bear the Kings seal."

Tell me. Do you think this Child of the King ate from the garbage can again? Do you think he continued to steal and live a peasants life? No, he lived like a child of the King.

We are Children of the King. We bear His seal. If the King says we are Righteous, Saints, then we are Righteous and Saints. Do you think we will want to continue eating garbage and living in iniquity? Of course not we will want to live like Children of the King.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Anatomy of Sin

James 1: 13-15; I Cor. 10:13

In Teach Me Lord I describe the victory we have over Satan's fiery darts in a lesson called His Victory. I call it His Victory because there is nothing we can do to attain salvation and nothing we can do to maintain salvation except to turn our lives over to Christ. His mercy and grace saves us and provides any and all victory we will ever experience. He must live His life through us before we see change in our lives. That requires faith. (Here is my life,

In church this week I heard the old familiar verse from I Cor 10:13. You know, the one that says all temptations are common to everyone. That God will in that temptation provide an escape so you can stand up under it. To me that means: when a temptation to sin comes God provides an escapee to avoid the sin and thus not sin. It also says that it will not seize you, that it will not be beyond your ability to resist or overcome for He will provide that escape.

Well.... obviously we all sin. We are not perfect and we all sin. It's okay you can admit it, I do. So that means we did not take the escape or did not find it or felt overpowered by sin or something...right?

I, in quiet that morning, remembered a sin that overpowered me. I remember saying, at that time, this verse is not true. I felt totally helpless and incapable of resistance to the sin. I knew the word, had walked with Him for years, led others in the way, taught classes, gave speeches. So.. I asked God... what happened?

Should have asked much sooner. The answer, obvious, yet overlooked. You see there is an anatomy to sin. It is found in James 1:13-15. I'd read that a thousand times but when the sin or temptation visits, you're not thinking about James.

The Anatomy of Sin

God does not tempt to sin
Each of us is tempted by our own desires
We are dragged away and enticed.
That desire is conceived
Once conceived sin is birthed
It grows
Then it is too late to escape.

So where is the escape? When does God provide the escape He promised? This is when. Sin happens in the mind. Remember when Jesus said lust in the heart was sin, that hate was the same as murder, (gossip and slander are also the same as murder). These and all other sins happen in the mind. Once the mind entertains those thoughts our own desires drag and entice us to give birth to sin in actions. But in actuality the sin already happened in the mind. Once again we must protect our minds.

What we allow our eyes to look upon and our minds to think about is important. Psalms encourages us to pray... let the thoughts of my mind and the meditations of my heart be acceptable to you Lord.

That's what happens. The escape is through our thoughts. We need to protect our mind. We've been warned often that the battlefield is in the mind 1 Cor 10: 4-5. Satan places lies and deceptions in our mind, but the victory is ours. God tells us what to think on and asks us to take the escape He provides.

What is your anatomy to sin? Where are you tempted? What is the process that leads to the enticement that drags you through desire? Why does it tempt you? What thought process takes place? We are all temped, that's not the sin. It is common to us all but when sin is birthed and placed in play the pain of death takes place. We, as Christians, can not get away with sin for that horrible pain called death is foreign to the life now in us. Sin is enjoyable for a time but there is a morning after.

Think about making a list of verses for your thoughts, truths to meditate on and say aloud when that deception comes your way. Maybe a journal of God's word that speaks to your heart. He may already be pointing to the escape route before the enemy tempts you to sin. A road map of verses that say: My son, My daughter come this way, avoid that obvious trap that drags you down, that entices you through your desires.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Psalms 32

Often I've wondered about well used phrases we all read or say. They become old-hat. Even to the point where they either loose meaning or are accepted with no thought.

Love for example, we say I love that car or I love how they talk or I love you. If you noticed, each I love has different meanings, different depth. Yet we still use I Love in each phrase till love begins to be old-hat and looses its depth.

Other such phrases came to me today. Like... they say... or pray for peace...or saved.

They say refers to things that most people agree on; even though there is no such person as they.

Pray for peace. I first saw that one at age 10 during the 50's. I remember then, as a child thinking...why do we need to pray for peace? Now as an adult I see. America and every other place in the world needs peace, personally and nationally.

Saved is a phrase we accept as Christians. A phrase that indicates salvation and directs a person to God's eternal life. Saved from ourselves, saved from sin's grasps, saved from eternal darkness. Well, like the other phrases I've just accepted, this phrase took on a much deeper meaning this week. I got a new look at what we are saved from because of Christ's sacrifice.

I settled into the nap moment of my day (in that big comfy chair) and clicked to christian television to fill the room with His Word. The program was called supernatural (I think). The host interviewed a man who wrote a book called 23 Minutes in Hell. Not one of my favorite subject. The testimony gripped my heart. I know, as I am sure you know there is a literal Hell and it involves torment, darkness, thirst and pain for all eternity. But I never really thought about it or even used that argument to lead someone to Christ. I believe God's love says it all. However, this mans words were worth repeating.

You see, we will live for all eternity. We are made of body, soul and spirit. Though the body(flesh we see) will die and decay, the soul and spirit live forever. Where will we spend this forever? If we receive Christ we live forever with Him. If we do not, we live forever in eternal torment called hell. This mans description of hell gave a whole new meaning to torment and being saved from that torment. He gave over 100 verses to back up his experience. (I plan to get the book, check them out and read what he described.)

The Point? Hell is a place to avoid. He described fire you could feel, beatings from demons who's claws ripped his flesh, no air to breathe, thirst for even a tiny drop of water, hate, the smell of burning sulfur and flesh, voices screaming from the torture. Some terrifying thoughts. True or not one thing is definite. Hell exists. It is the eternal abode of all who reject Christ, it is a place of torment, it's described in scripture and it last forever.

Saved. Yes, this word saved is appropriate, a strong word of deep meaning.

If you do not know Christ as Savior, as Lord then take time today to repent of your sin, ask Him into your life, ask Him to save you.

Thank you Lord for salvation.

Monday, July 9, 2007

It's Personal

Have you ever tried to make the scriptures personal. I remember the first time I tried this method of listening to the Lord. It made a huge difference in the trial I faced that week. I kept reading the verses in a personal tone and my faith and trust in the Lord grew. It felt a Little like food when hungry or water when thirsty.
Today I would like to lead you through this experience. When you see the word I or we or you or them or our or other similar indications in these passages, put your first name in that spot and, by the way, read it out loud. It creates a stronger effect.

I've picked a few chapters to get you started.

Psalms 46.... God is _____ refuge and strength, and ever-present help in trouble. Therefore ___ will not fear, though the earth give away and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea.........

Now continue through the entire chapter using this method.

Psalms 91..... ____ who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty._____will say of the lord,"He is ____refuge and ___fortress and ___God, In whom
____will trust". Surely he will save___from the Fowler's snare.

Continue the method to the end of the chapter.

A few others that encourage. Try them.
Psalms 1:1-3
1John 5:11-13
John 3:16
Eph 1:2-23

Enjoy His word and His voice and the love He expresses in this His personal letter to you.

Monday, July 2, 2007

His Mercy

Psm 25; Romans 8; Matt 13

Today I am 63. When in my twenties, I remember thinking 30 was old. We all felt as if 20 would last forever. Remember? Then I turned 30. was over for me. Two little ones, a home to care for, a job, a husband and knee deep in responsibilites. The 20's were definitely over and I felt OLD.

Funny how now that I am 63, I feel young. It is as if age no longer matters. I interact with children and people of all ages. Somehow, regardless of the age, when I am with them I relate.

Little ones in the church nursery for example. They cling to the fence that keeps them safe inside and cry for mommy. She will be back in one hour yet to them it feels like years. I go inside and sit on the floor to be on their level and they gather to me like bees to a hive. All they want is to be held, talked to and noticed. I relate and feel their need for each of us regardless of age feels the same. All we want is to be loved, valued and accepted. Held, talked to, noticed, a need for mercy.

People older than me is another example. Their bodies have betrayed them. Hands do not work and they need a walker or wheel chair. They reach out in need. What do they need? The same thing. Someone to talk to, to hold their hand, to listen and notice their need...mercy.

Do you need mercy today? Does the one next to you need your mercy today? God reaches out daily and gives us His mercy. Sometimes He fills it through human flesh as we relate to those around us. Other times He simply reaches into the depths of each soul.

Today in Bible study and prayer He reached into my soul. At 63 I looked back into my life. What type of wake have I left behind. Thanks to His influence it is a good wake. I noticed He took all my mistakes, sins, the wrong turns and covered them in mercy. Thank you Lord. Somehow He turned all those evil actions into good for those around me. I'm thankful for that mercy. He also multiplies the good wake of every random act of kindness given out to others. How does He do that? Why does He do that for us?

The answer? Even though we are unfaithful He is faithful for He can not deny Himself or the promises He has given to us. He perfects all that He begins and when we received Him as Lord and Savior he began a good work inside us. He leaves a good wake in our lives and those we touch. But best of all He is merciful. His heart is so touched by one that repents, one who turns toward Him that He is honor bound by who He is to forgive and heal. He is in love with you and me, His children and gives us His mercy.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

His Voice

A Bible lesson from Teach Me, Lord

John 10:27 My sheep know my voice and they follow me.

How would you describe God's Voice? Do you recognize when He is speaking to you? He speaks to us on a continual basis. Prayer is talking to God. Listening and responding to Him is a conversation. These are Biblical examples of His Voice and how He speaks into our hearts.
Jer. 33:3; Heb. 10:16; 2 Tim. 3:16-17, John 10:27; 1 Cor. 2:16

God's inner voice leaves impressions on the heart. These impressions influence our soul. The first time we heard from God and had a conversation with Him was at salvation. We became aware of our need for Him, confessed our sins and invited Him into our lives as Lord and Savior. A life changing conversation, a life changing experience. (By the way only God can lead a person into salvation.)

Everyday we receive impressions that motivate us to think, speak and act in either the world's way or God's way. Ask this question: Is this impression from God? Is this something He would say or do or think? To answer those questions accurately we must know God's goals, desires and character. He tells us about His love, His plans and His goals in the scriptures. Through prayer, worship and Bible reading we can know Him and His voice.

When reading the scriptures think about keeping a record of the descriptions of His character. Then make a record of the world's character. A good place to start is in Gal 5:19-23. Both the world's voice and God's voice are described in these verses.

God's voice inside your spirit must agree with His character. Motivations, intentions, emotions, experiences and the deep hidden secrets surface. Are these revealed truths leading to decisions, desires and goals consistent with God's Character or are they leading to self-centered, self-motivated, self-absorbed living (Heb 4:12)?

Do you hear from God? Can you describe His voice? Of course you can. You're a child of God.

My sheep know my voice and they follow me.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Loneliness happens to us all. Major events create a void often, a move, death, divorce, separation. Even adult children leaving to a new life or the five year old leaving for school all day can cause that alone feeling. Any change to the routine of our lives brings the unsettled adjustment. Wrong decisions that interrupt peace also bring loneliness. Everyone of us fights loneliness. Sometimes to the point of making very unwise decision.

Well fear no more. God offers the answer to this pain. He fills the void. He is the answer.

I can point to many moments of loneliness. Some came as I've mentioned. I remember when my children left for school. I cried. Just recently my adult children have decided to move farther away from me and that empty feeling came again. But the biggest moments of loneliness came three times, times when I felt like someone punched me in the stomach and knocked the breath out of me.

The first time came when I was as a child, age six. I took a trip with my Aunt May. I loved being with her and looked forward to the event. The second day in I experienced what is called home sick. The empty, lost, where is home pain hit. Knowledge of where home was and that I'd be there again fixed the problem. Once you over come that one, it never visits again.

The second moment happened in my 20's. I'd married and left the state. No friends, no connections. The empty, lost, where is home came again. Church became a part of my life and we eventually made friends but it never felt the same...home. I now became responsible to create my own home, my own life.

The third came in my 50's. Divorce broke into that home I created. Everything lost meaning. Possessions meant nothing. My children were on their way to new lives and I felt alone, empty, lost, where is home? It was with me all the time, for home is Christ.

Practical ways to overcome loneliness.

Practice the presence of Christ: Talk to Him. Listen to His voice. Know He is in your house, at your job. Walk with Him. Enjoy His presence. Worship Him.

In all your ways acknowledge Him: Submit to His will. Involve yourself in His life and goals. Respond to His direction.

Let His love flow through you: Let Him love you then release that love to the world around you. It turns out that life is not about us. It is about Him and His life inside us. Begin to meet the need He calls you to meet and discover you ministry to others.

Loneliness is that empty, lost, where is home feeling. The answer?

Christ finds the lost
Christ fills the empty heart
Christ is home.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Walked On

Proverbs 11

Ever feel sometimes because your a christian you get 'walked on' or even before you were a Christan you got taken advantage of often? We try to be nice, turn the other cheek, step aside and get laughed at, put down, cheated, and similar stuff. Why do we let all this happen? Should we stand up and take over? In some cases, yes. Boundary's always apply especially when the innocent in your life are in danger. But mostly, no.

I've always been self sufficient. NO one takes advantage of me. I learned young to take what I needed, strike back, stand my ground to death if necessary and be strong. This is not who I am today. Thank you Lord.

Did I get what I wanted? Yes, one way or the other. Did I feel confidant? Usually. I was raised around verbal, physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. It left a ton of baggage to over come. It taught me to be self sufficient and stand my ground. Not what the scriptures teach. But God in His mercy showed me a better way when He saved me through Christ and turned those perverse traits into good qualities. The grit, stand my ground and fight to the death turned into tenacity, patience and a never give up attitude once in the hands of the Master. The rest died, eventually.

In Proverbs 11 it talks about how the soul is destroyed when you are cruel. That the soul is nourished when you are kind. Coupled with the verse that says do not judge for you will be judges as you judge and I see a comparison. What you put out there you get back. Put out cruel actions and you punish you own soul, get involved with evil and evil comes to live with you, judge others and you judge yourself with the same veracity. Why? Exactly.

When Christ comes into our life no one can walk on us. He takes the sting out of death and the cheat out of life. We are never really cheated again because the riches found in Him are not only greater than what the world offers but actually fulfill everything the world works so hard to attain. (In My book Faded Purple)

In this one chapter alone (proverbs 11) we gain much understanding of evil and the result of christian living. Think about making a list of the evil actions. Call it the worlds way. Then make a list of the results found in Christian living. Call it Gods way.

Here are a few of Gods way benefits that can ONLY be attained as a child of God:

Rewards that lasts forever, integrity that guides, wisdom, we flourish, blessed now and forever, we're satisfied, prosperous, happy (joyful), we find freedom and life, we become fruitful and nourished.

Walked on? Depends on our perspective and how we view our position in Christ.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Follow Me

John 8:12; 10:4; 10:27; Psm 1:1-3; 2:12; 84:5; 118:20

I learned something today I never knew before. It applies to the christian walk so thoroughly that I decided to check my life again with the principle and share it with you.

Trapeze artists apply a non negotiable safe guard as they fly through the air... trust. You see, the catcher does all the work. The flier goes into the air, lifts his arms arms toward the catcher and trusts him to grab his wrist. He must not reach out or grab for the catcher. If he does, they run the risk of breaking each others wrist. He is caught and then he holds on to the one who saves him. That takes trust!

We are asked to do the same thing in our christian walk. Let go of the bar, reach up to the Lord and let Him catch us.

Do you ever notice that sometimes when the Lord has spoken to us we hesitate, question and wonder if we heard right? He has asked us to leap out and we, out of fear, wait. Granted, the scripture should always be the guide on listening to God's voice ( something I will cover in a later blog) but if you are sure of His direction and still hesitate then let me encourage you...leap. He will catch you.

I know, sometimes He leads into situations that require continual faith. Sometimes things do not get better, maybe even worse. However, if God is leading, His peace, joy, love and all the rest of the fruits will comfort, and place confidence in each step. When He leads and we follow, He is there in the situation with us.

What has God called you to trust Him for today?
What is your leap of faith?
What has He asked you to do?
Is He leading you into salvation, a special task, a walk of faith. Has He pointed to a situation that needs to change, a relationships? What ever it is, don't let fear stop you.

Follow Him. Jump, fly through the air into His arms. He will catch you.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Father's Day

Any man can be a father but it takes a special person to be a dad.

Did you know about Father's Day? A woman named Sonora Smart Dodd got the idea after a Mother's Day sermon in 1909. Her mother died and her dad raised her so she wanted to honor and appreciate him for all he had done. She called him a courageous, selfless, loving man. Sound familiar?

Many of us do not have fathers any more. Some of us never knew our fathers. Others of us never developed a close relationship with a dad. Maybe the father you knew did not understand the power of his position and remained a threat. So many scenarios, maybe as many as the sands in the sea. I pray your father was as loving and selfless as Sonora's dad and that he is there this week to smile your way.

Regardless of the earthly father in your life, know that there is a Heavenly Father who delights in the smile on your face, who is proud of you His creation and waits daily to listen to your voice. He holds you close and shares all sorrows and joys. Yes, a Dad that knows your every breath, that counts the hairs on your head and keeps all tears in a bottle. He loves you, adores you and wants you with Him now and forever. For this Dad never dies, or harms or makes mistakes. He never sleeps, He keeps watch over all your comings and goings, He sees it all and loves you unconditionally. This Dad has prepared a home for you in heaven and lives inside your heart this very moment. Take a moment and enjoy this Father of yours.

We may not all have fathers like Sonora but we all have a Heavenly Father.

Psalm 56:8; Luke 12:7; John 14:2-3

Sunday, June 3, 2007


Luke 12; Matt 6:23-27; Prov 12:25; Psm 55:22

The Sunday sermon today was too good not to share with you...Worry

Finances, health, relationships, family, world crises, life, death, children and now for me grandchildren are all things most of us worry about. Yet we are distinctly instructed by God not to worry.

Here are a few facts about worry:
Worry and greed are related. Greed never gets enough. Worry is afraid it will never have enough.
Worry is unhealthy
Worry tears you apart inside and in every area of your life.
Worry in English means to strangle or attack.
Worry attacks the brain chemistry and causes less ability to cope.
Worry is unbelief in God's ability to keep His promises.
40% of what we worry about never happens.
30% of our worries are from the past
12% from what people think of us
10% about our heath
8% Are real things that can be handled.

How do we eliminate worry? Trust God with the details of our lives.
  • God only gives us enough grace to handle one day at a time.
  • Tomorrow's troubles need to wait till tomorrow.
  • Seek God first and let Him take care of you.
  • Remember you are His child.
  • Reframe those worry thoughts. Put them into God's perspective.
  • Turn the problems over to the promises of God.
  • Cast them away.
  • Put God first in every area of your life.

Once God to take care of you.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Gone Tomorrow

Luke 12:28; Matt 16:25; Gal 2:20

The other day my son-in-law asked me a question that stumped me a moment. I knew what he wanted in a way but had trouble with the answer. It took me awhile to understand the confusion in me.

The question: "Donna, what would you do if you had no children or grandchildren? What would you do if you could do anything you wanted to do? What would you do for you, if there was just you?

The first impression was sadness for I could not imagine not having my children and grandchildren. To think of life without them hurt some. After I wrapped my mind around the reason for the question, I realized that he, someone who had not children, could not understand the myriad of emotions that ran through me. Children change your life. You get your first lesson in self sacrifice, a sacrifice that causes you to die, if necessary for your child. Because of the pause he asked again.

"You seem to have lived your whole life serving others, living to help friends, your children and now grandchildren. What would you like to do for just you? What would you do with your life if it was just you?"

The answer finally came something like this: "I've made a lot of mistakes, however the one thing I am sure of and thankful for is Christ. Giving my life away to Christ means I no longer live. So the choices I make are based on that relationship. Since I gave my life away, I am doing what I want to do."

After they left I spent a few days thinking deeper about people in general and the unrest all around us. The lack of peace, direction, joy and the preoccupation with "I want it my way."
You see, life will be over soon. Life is as unstable as an evaporating drop of water. The only thing that matters is Christ and His life, His ways, His direction, His will and He clearly states His will in the Scripture. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind. Then love your neighbor as yourself.

What does that mean to you? To me it means Jesus first, Others second and You last. It has taken years to come to this conclusion. Many mistakes, wrong turns and selfish decisions. But real joy is found only in Christ and what he wants. My life is not my own.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Thank you

1 John 3:16-18

Memorial Day, how did you spend this day? I went about as usual, knowing that the evening was set aside for family. During the day I noticed a few programs on television that honored our service men. Daystar, through the Joni program asked a color guard to perform. Did we talk about the day or think about why we set the day aside? Not really. It wasn't till my Toastmasters group the next day that thoughts and appreciation on Memorial day were shared. We talked about the flag, pigeons used in world war I and II, America and all it means to us, and those who die for our freedoms. That was the day my heart went out, that was the day of thankfulness toward one who gives his life or one who is willing to give his life.

I resolved to not let another Memorial Day pass with such casual remembrance. My children and grandchildren need to know the importance. Without the shot that rang around the world to the man or woman in the desert of Iraq we would not enjoy the most free, the richest and most blessed country in the world...America.

Several thoughts were tossed around in that one hour at Toastmasters. Table Topics, a time for impromptu speaking, centered on the flag. That one subject alone covered Memorial Day. It made us all think about the stripes and stars. The colors and what they mean. How the flag is honored and handled. My words remembered how it was in the fifties when I went to school and how we prayed to open the day and pledged allegiance to the flag. I fell in love with my country in the first grade. Others talked about their appreciation of service men and how much we need them, how freedom is NOT free...someone pays. Another indicated how God was first and family second but that her country held a dear third, indicating that America ranks high in her heart. We talked about various wars and all came to the same conclusion, the conclusion of 1 John. There is no greater love than when one lays down their life for another. The message written on our flag.

Thank you, who ever you are for laying down your life and for being willing to lay down your life. Thank you also to your families. All this that we might enjoy the freedoms we enjoy.

And...Thank you Christ, for laying your life down for us, that we might receive Eternal Life.

Thank you.