Friday, June 1, 2007

Gone Tomorrow

Luke 12:28; Matt 16:25; Gal 2:20

The other day my son-in-law asked me a question that stumped me a moment. I knew what he wanted in a way but had trouble with the answer. It took me awhile to understand the confusion in me.

The question: "Donna, what would you do if you had no children or grandchildren? What would you do if you could do anything you wanted to do? What would you do for you, if there was just you?

The first impression was sadness for I could not imagine not having my children and grandchildren. To think of life without them hurt some. After I wrapped my mind around the reason for the question, I realized that he, someone who had not children, could not understand the myriad of emotions that ran through me. Children change your life. You get your first lesson in self sacrifice, a sacrifice that causes you to die, if necessary for your child. Because of the pause he asked again.

"You seem to have lived your whole life serving others, living to help friends, your children and now grandchildren. What would you like to do for just you? What would you do with your life if it was just you?"

The answer finally came something like this: "I've made a lot of mistakes, however the one thing I am sure of and thankful for is Christ. Giving my life away to Christ means I no longer live. So the choices I make are based on that relationship. Since I gave my life away, I am doing what I want to do."

After they left I spent a few days thinking deeper about people in general and the unrest all around us. The lack of peace, direction, joy and the preoccupation with "I want it my way."
You see, life will be over soon. Life is as unstable as an evaporating drop of water. The only thing that matters is Christ and His life, His ways, His direction, His will and He clearly states His will in the Scripture. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind. Then love your neighbor as yourself.

What does that mean to you? To me it means Jesus first, Others second and You last. It has taken years to come to this conclusion. Many mistakes, wrong turns and selfish decisions. But real joy is found only in Christ and what he wants. My life is not my own.

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