Monday, October 1, 2007


Psalms 64:1-11; Psalms 91; John16:5-16,33; Romans 8:28

I don't think I will ever reconcile with in my heart and soul the horrible things that happen to the innocent. Children that suffer at the hands of unprincipled people or diseases that steal their life. Eventually, in our own adult life, we have to accept the results of mistakes, consequences. We also learn, along the way, that God gets to be God and we either believe He knows what He is doing and that He is a loving person or we do not. Everyone suffers and experience troubles and everyone is called to forgive those who wrong and harm them. In the lives of The Martyrs we hear of today, forgiveness comes even for those who rejoice in the horrid torture of adults and children. When I think of them, the sufferings of the life I live in our society seems minuscule.

Each time I see or hear of a child being hurt I have to run to scripture and try to make sense of it all. Of course, I do not, because my goal is to eliminate suffering from these innocents. Somehow I believe they need more protection and My question to God is where is your protection. Especially to those who are in our own families. Children our hearts intertwine with that we pray for so diligently.

The answers are in the verses above. The one that spoke to me the most today was this. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart. I have overcome the world.
Take heart? That means be brave, believe the best, expect a future that overcomes this present dilemma because there is a future, a future that lasts for all eternity.
Then there is the story of Joseph. Joseph, the one who's own brothers beat up and sold into slavery. Now that could cause a bit of unforgiveness for years. When he saw his brothers he repented and said to them... you meant this for evil but God meant it for good.

I think we need to cling to the cross and seek mercy and help from our Lord as we sit tight through sufferings and troubles. He holds our future. When the end of the story comes, when the stories about all the sufferings of those who trusted in Him are told, everyone will see the why. We will also at that time experience this ...nothing we suffer down here can compare to what waits for us there. And then there is always Romans 8:28 to encourage us everyday.

I do believe we all need to change what we can change, accept what can not be changed and ask God for the wisdom and guidance needed to live our lives here. In the meantime we need to comfort each other, encourage each other and lift each other in prayer as we believe in His plan.

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