Friday, September 7, 2007


Mark 9:50 Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can you make it salty again? Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace.

Jesus, in this verse, encourages us to be like salt. What is salt like? It adds taste. It preserves. It attracts us to water. If we are like salt then we will attract others to Him. They become thirsty for Him like one who is thirsty for water. He not only adds taste to life and preserves life, He meets the deepest need inside us all. The need to be loved, valued and accepted, the need to be whole, the need to be forgiven. He completes us. We, as salt, point others to the only one who can meet these needs.

It's a set up. We are not an accident of nature. The big bang theory is not true. We are created beings, created to need Him. He left a space inside that only He can fill and until we invite Him into our lives we will never 'find it'. Find What? Why we are here, where we are going.. the meaning to life. Saltiness helps us and others find meaning to life because it's found in Him.

I'm talking about a life style that results from a personal relationship with Christ, a relationship so filled with Him and His ways that saltiness comes natural because He is free to live His life through us. Here are a few verses that talk about saltiness and what it looks like in our lives.

I Cor.13. .....The love chapter.
Galatians 5:22-23 .....Fruit of the Spirit
Philippians 4:8.......Where we place our minds
James 3...........attributes of Him

Salt causes us to be like Him. It causes us to be at peace with ourselves, with others and with God. When we recognize saltiness in another committed to Jesus, strife is resolved, peace is restored and our common bond becomes stronger.

Everyone searches for the Living Water found in Christ. Salt increases the thirst.

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