Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Be aware

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight Oh my Lord my God".

This is from Psalms. It was part of a memory program in my women's bible study years ago. It feels good to be able to say it from memory again.

This verse ran through my mind this morning as I thought about the day before. It was a great day. I spent time with my daughter and her husband, we even had dinner together, the four of us, then we watched a PG movie called Cheaper by the Dozen 2. The movie was funny, not the funniest, but I liked the main actors and enjoyed the message as it supported family values.

However this morning as I prepared for the day I noticed the movie was not that great. I had been duped by the usual. We get so taken in by the world around us that we are not sensitive to garbage thrown at us because it is wrapped in a few family value thoughts or cute silly scenes. This movie contained definite verbal and visual sexual overtones (too much cleavage showing, skimpy suits, a dog after the crotch and humping not a leg this time but a complete female body) that cheapened it's message the morning after.

The movie is a cute movie, fun and funny, too bad it contained unnecessary garbage in its message. But the thing that bothered me most is me. I DID NOT notice it till the next day. I actually laughed and accepted it as a ...nice movie... I read scripture, write to you, enjoy worship, talk with the Lord, Pray with others and in the blink of an eye, in a moment forget to be alert. The junk on the screen before me, wrapped in silly humor, slipped into my soul unchecked.

The world's sickness is ready to creep into our lives at every turn. Be aware and have the courage to say NO, this is enough and not okay with me.

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in you sight Oh Lord My God.

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