Friday, June 27, 2008

His Touch

Lord many the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in your sight.
It is not what a man eats the defiles him but the words that he speaks, for words
come from the heart.

I have not written much this month because like everyone I got too busy. I even got too busy to read the bible much or take time to worship, or allow my heart to connect. Oh.. I would read a devotional or check out a verse or make a stab at trying to put those pure nuggets of gold in my heart and that little bit helps but the real meat the real connections comes when I sit still, listen to His voice. His mercy's are new every morning and the word He speaks each day of my life is a treasure. Why waste breath without connecting to the King of the Universe

Thank you Lord....He got my attention as I was driving to the gym (a new thing lately to keep alive). The man on the radio, in a very kind slow voice, like a grandfather would speak, talked about the words of our mouth. How these words can build up, encourage and deliver others into to presence of God. How they can help us all see life as God intended. Positive words of faith and discipline that eliminate the presence of the negatives we are surrounded by daily. His words immediately placed me into God presence and for a brief moment I experienced Gods heart and touch. There is nothing in life like His touch and nothing in life is worth missing that presence.

So today, if you have not taken a moment to connect to the King of the universe and let His presence carry you away to peace, stop what ever it is that keeps you so busy and let His touch free you.


zamy said...

How have you been??

Donna May said...

Enjoyed your site Zamy. Your nursing profession is a definate plus in the hands of the Lord. You will be used often by him. I am sure you have the Gift of mercy if you have entered that field.