Monday, March 17, 2008

Seek Him

Matt 6:33: But seek first the kingdom of a God and all these things will be added to you.

This verse is in a section that talks about our needs, basic needs. It specifically indicates that when we place God first, when we trust in Him and seek His face, His way of life that He will add all we need to our life. He will add. Not us

I know, it is hard to lean on and trust for the things of life. Now, I do not believe it means to sit back and not work. The scriptures clearly tell us go about the business of the day. We are told that a person who will not work goes hungry. NO, it means that in all our ways we are to submit, trust and seek God's help, encouragement, ways. We are to seek His face and respond accordingly. To seek His face is the same as saying SEEK HIM.

Prov.16:8: Better a little with righteousness than much gain with injustice.

This verse connects with the one above as it indicates that we are not to scratch and claw our way to the top; or lie and cheat to get what we need. So many times in life, especially as the days draw near to His second coming, we see much dishonesty, cheating and evil actions in business, even in personal relationships, to gain what we think we need. This verse encourages us to seek righteousness.

Righteousness comes from a personal relationship with Christ. It is not something we bring to the table it is something He has already brought to the table when we recieve Him as Lord and Savior. In other words, righteousness is blood bought and part of our lives as children of God, those who are called by His name, Christians. We simply need to look inside our hearts respond to what lives inside us. That will include turning away from and resisting the urge to reach out for personal gain at the expense of who we are in Him

I encourage you. Lay down the things of this world, turn away from anything that takes you away from seeking His ways, His face.

1 comment:

zamy said...

Wonderful post! I'm very thankful you came by my page to visit. I too love to look around and see how our Father works through many people/situations...He NEVER ceases to amaze me. :-)

Take care and come by whenever you feel lead to!
