Sunday, March 30, 2008


Judges 7; Psalms 146

We struggle to be independent from the day we are born. It feels wrong to be dependant, yet, we are dependant on many things. Most, of which, come from God. The rotation of the earth for gravity, air to breathe, water to drink, food, clothing; in fact we are dependant on God for our very existence. The only Independence we can lay claim to is the use of what He has already supplied. We keep the air clean, drink, prepare and eat food, work and till the land or in today's vernacular we go out and get a job. For if a man will not work he will not eat (Proverbs). The strength and independence we experience in life is in direct response to our source, God. We are created to be strong, till the land, enjoy interdependence with each other and live through troubles and tribulations. For in this life you will have trouble, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world (Jesus quote).

So where is the line, the balance, the truth on dependant and independent living. Ask yourself this? Who is doing the work. Who has done the work. How will continue the work. When we take in a breath of air, we breath in (our work). Where did the air come from, the lung, the body, the muscles to breathe(God's work).

Trials and tribulations are a little bit harder to identify, for we feel we are alone and struggle by ourselves. Not so. God says: call on me in a time of trouble and I will deliver you. How? Sometimes he delivers us out. Sometimes He delivers us through. He decides. Either way we are delivered. Where? In Spirit, in heart, in peace, in joy, in every fruit of His spirit, in Him and eventually in body and soul.

The line is this: Acknowledge we can do nothing aside from Christ who lives in us. He is God and without Him life is not worth living. He wants us to acknowledge that every area of our lives belongs to Him, is guided by Him and happens according to His plan. We surrender our all, our strength, might, heart, life, our everything in to his hands. That's dependence.

The story found in Judges is about Gideon. God required him to trim his army down to 300 men for a specific battle. The army was to small at 300 to win, yet, God delivered them. They won the victory. Read why God required them to do this in verse two. It says that they would give themselves the credit if they had more men. This way they knew God did it for them.

You see, we give ourselves the credit for everything that happens, yet,we ask God for miracles. We some how miss the fact that every breath we take is a miracle. That nothing happens unless he first makes it happen. Even the apparent bad things that happen work for the good in, around and through His children. I mean, after all, Eternal life is a big deal and God's goal is to bring us into this Eternal life through Christ, the one whose image we are to bear and whom we are being transformed into daily. The Goal.

Praise God from who all blessings flow, praise Him all peoples here below, praise Him above all heavenly hosts, praise Father Son and Holy Ghost

Friday, March 28, 2008


John 10:27 My sheep listen to my voice, I know them, and they follow me.

The scripture also says that God never sleeps. That he watches over us all the time. That we can talk to Him any time and He hears us. That we are to pray continually (Prayer is conversation with God).

All of this tells me that He is communicating His heart on a continual basis daily. That His wisdom, the fruit of His spirit, His voice, in all matters that concern us, is communicated to us every hour of every day. He is with us, intimately with us and available to us every second of our lives.

So why do we feel alone? Why do we not hear His voice? Why do we act, at times, as if we have no God, no one to care and take care of our lives? I believe the answer to these questions are found in us. We are pre-occupied with a noisy world, a world that fills our every thought most of the time. A world that steals life from us. We become too busy to be still and know He is God.

So, today I will take us through a simple exercise. Pick your favorite scripture passage or verse, place it in your heart, and pray, Lord here I am. I want to spend time with you. I call it my date with God. Now, sit in a comfortable chair. Get relaxed, close your eyes, take a deep breath and let go of the world around you. Allow yourself a space of time where you have no where to go, nothing to think about, and nothing to do. Now, let His presence and peace fill your heart.

Just enjoy you date with the Lord and listen to His heart.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Monday, March 24, 2008

Sound mind

2 Tim 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind.

For some reason, when I read this verse this time, I thought of all those I've personally known and have seen who did not maintain a sound mind. Not someone who acted silly at a gathering but one who did look as if they had lost their mind. One in particular comes to me. She was unable to get out of bed, not because of a physical condition but because of her mind. A lost expression sat on her face and fear rushed through her eyes in a continual restless cycle. Was fear the culprit?

Then I searched areas in my life where fear lived and found how not only I, but how everyone of us actually look to fear as if we wanted to cultivate fear and integrate it in our daily lives. Movies for instance. Why do we look for a thriller, or an adventure where fear makes our heart race. Fear is the opposite of faith and love, yet, here we go training our minds to live in fear for fun. We even pay to have this take place in our hearts. Sounds unproductive to me. Sounds foolish.

We also encourage fear talk. Each time we tell a story we embellish the fear part to make ourselves look special to the listener. We look to the negatives in life, which are the fears, instead of the positives. We think of the worse case scenarios. Why? Fear takes over unnoticed and we live in fear instead of faith. I ask again, why do we do this as Christians? Do we train our children to do this? I think we might.

Then I compared this to a sound mind. What is as sound mind? It is faith, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness faithfulness and self control. A sound mind believes, trusts, encourages others and seeks the best. A sound mind knows all is well with the soul and finds adventure in a life guided by God, for walking by faith and trusting He knows what He is doing is a definite adventure in faith(which, by the way is not lived in fear.)

I wonder just how many of those people who looked as if they had lost their minds would have been helped by simple scripture readings each day, a time of peace that placed the faith of God in their hearts and minds. I also wonder just how much fear we can allow in our own hearts before we loose our minds. God has not given us a spirit of fear. Why do we allow another spirit in or even entertain the idea.

Thank you God, that you have not given us a spirit of fear, that you maintain us with your spirit of love.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Resurrection Day

I have always called this day Easter. That is what the stores call it and the cards and most churches. However, the word Easter remained a puzzle as I did not know where it came from. Resurrection Day always seemed too formal for the celebration of such a joyful moment, so it remained Easter. Well, no more! I discovered this week where the word Easter comes from. As with most of our holy holidays, the word comes from a pagan worship. Seems we mixed several of our Christian traditions with pagan traditions to get them involved with our beliefs. What a mistake. I plan to eliminate Easter from my vocabulary as I do not want a pagan god of some kind to be honored. Look it up some time then join me.

Resurrection Day is the basis of our faith in Christ. For without this moment our faith would be in vain. He has risen. He has risen. He is God. He came, suffered and died for our sins and was raised from the dead by the power of the Spirit of God. When we die, because of what He has done for us, we will also rise to be with Him forever. What a joyful day this should be for all of us.

Do not let the business of dinner, games, gatherings and yes, even church steal this day from you. Take time to worship Him, enjoy Him and celebrate what His resurrection means to you personally. Read the account of this event in all four gospels. It will bless you. Each account has a little different description of what happened as they individually witnessed the miracle.

Years ago I experienced the best Resurrection Day ever. Thoughts of this moment visit me often, in fact they come every year around Resurrection Day. The church service had already started which meant someone was late. Music filled the air outside the building. The church stood tall (two stories) and grass with a few daisies grew along side the shaded walk. Trees in bloom cast shadows beneath the sun and the atmosphere maintained that obvious spring touch. Before I entered the threshold, trumpets sounded. Trumpets! The holiness of the day, the joy of He has risen sank into me and worship of our magnificent Lord, our Saviour, our King, our God magnetized me to the place I stood. A few seconds passed before I entered the building but that one moment continued through out the morning of worship and obviously through out the rest of my life.

I pray that, in this Resurrection Day, every person who reads this post will have a stop dead in your tracks moment of worship for our risen Lord.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I was a new Christian when I had children, barely able to grasp the messages of the cross and understand how to allow Him to live His life through me. As a result, the struggles in raising children were indeed a struggle for me. I, as most people, copied my parents and their methods. Unaware of my heavenly Father's parent instructions, my oldest suffered the most. She was about four before I came across verses and teachers, like Dobson to name one, who helped me see the light.

Ephesians tells us to not exasperate our children. What's that mean? When I coupled this with other verses like the love chapter in Corinthians, or Proverbs that talks about discipline, I finally captured a better picture. However, the best example of being a loving parent came from watching my daughter interact with her children, years later (I must have done something right).

Exasperate means not to expect your children to be, do, think or act above their ability. Have you noticed how we expect them to be carbon copies of us? How we expect them to be adults in little bodies? They are children -- immature, emotional, undisciplined children, who require patience and space. Even adults act like children, so why can't children act like children?
Maybe our expectations of them are too high. There is a difference between encouragement that believes in them and an expectation level that puts pressure on them. A simple phrase like I think you can do that is much better than I expect you to do this, now. And if they act immature and do not respond, give them a break...back off a little, they are immature still.

Exasperation also includes a lack of respect. We often think because they are small, can not talk, walk or think as an adult that they are lesser human beings and we treat them like rugrats (a phrase I dislike but seems to be popular now and then). Children are people. They need encouragement. They need a kind word, honor, respect, appreciation, acknowledgement, a place and position in the family that shows value. They are not an appendage or a decoration in our life so we look good. Nor are they to be treated unkind when they make us look bad.

Exasperation includes harsh discipline. Discipline needs to be age appropriate. Each child is different. If you want your child to listen to you, then meet their need first and listen to them. I did spank, but after a few teachings, and watching my daughter, I strongly disagree with this method. I believe the rod, as the Bible calls it, is to raise them in the word. In other words, love them into trust. If a child feels accepted, valued and loved they will seek approval and trust in their parent's direction. That is how God deals with us. He loves us into discipline. Notice what happens when we, as His children, discover grace. We want to please Him, we are just too immature to live as He directs. That is the same with our children. They are too immature. Once harsh discipline has been applied for a long period of time, trust is lowered, anger and resentment begins and you have lost the game for years into the future.

The final and most important thing about children is similar to a phase I heard in that old movie Sound of Music. They just want to be loved Captain, just love them. Most children know when they are loved. It comes through our touch, voice tone, attitude and actions toward them. They pick up on what they see and feel, more than what we say. The phrase monkey see, monkey do applies here. They will talk, act, think and become who we are. If we want respect, we need to give them respect, if we want nice language, give out nice language, if we want honesty, no lying, kindness, faith then we need to model these things. Also, what we feel inside will transfer to them. If we live in fear, prejudice, low self-image, worry and the like, they will follow suit.

Yes it is a big job. After all we are given the privilege to shape character, to influence another person to be like Jesus. That means we need to follow Him and His example to us.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Seek Him

Matt 6:33: But seek first the kingdom of a God and all these things will be added to you.

This verse is in a section that talks about our needs, basic needs. It specifically indicates that when we place God first, when we trust in Him and seek His face, His way of life that He will add all we need to our life. He will add. Not us

I know, it is hard to lean on and trust for the things of life. Now, I do not believe it means to sit back and not work. The scriptures clearly tell us go about the business of the day. We are told that a person who will not work goes hungry. NO, it means that in all our ways we are to submit, trust and seek God's help, encouragement, ways. We are to seek His face and respond accordingly. To seek His face is the same as saying SEEK HIM.

Prov.16:8: Better a little with righteousness than much gain with injustice.

This verse connects with the one above as it indicates that we are not to scratch and claw our way to the top; or lie and cheat to get what we need. So many times in life, especially as the days draw near to His second coming, we see much dishonesty, cheating and evil actions in business, even in personal relationships, to gain what we think we need. This verse encourages us to seek righteousness.

Righteousness comes from a personal relationship with Christ. It is not something we bring to the table it is something He has already brought to the table when we recieve Him as Lord and Savior. In other words, righteousness is blood bought and part of our lives as children of God, those who are called by His name, Christians. We simply need to look inside our hearts respond to what lives inside us. That will include turning away from and resisting the urge to reach out for personal gain at the expense of who we are in Him

I encourage you. Lay down the things of this world, turn away from anything that takes you away from seeking His ways, His face.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Psalms 1:1-6

Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the Lord and his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.

What is prosperous? Having eternal life. Think on that one. Every one of us will die. We do not live forever in this body. That one gift alone, eternal life, is all we will be thinking of when that last breath is taken.

Now, I do believe there is more to being prosperous than that; but nothing measures up to eternal live. To prosper in health, wealth, soul, mind, friends, good fortune are all good and enjoyable. But to prosper in spirit is the best.

Jesus said "I come that they may have life and have it more abundantly."
Did you know eternal life comes to us the moment we invite Him into our lives as Lord and Savior. We are the recipients of His life before physical death takes place. That is what I think this verse is about, to live abundant in spirit, to receive him and all He offers us now and in the hereafter.

Let's look more closely:

  • Do not walk in the counsel of the wicked: Counsel of wicked, that means to listen to those who do not know Christ and follow them.
  • Stand in the way of sinners: Party people, those who do not consider right from wrong.
  • Sit with mockers: Those who ridicule and critique everyone around them
  • Meditate on the Lord: That is to focus on, worshiping, pray, to enjoying the Lord
  • Delighting in the Lord: His words, His decrees, His law ( Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, might and love your neighbor as your self)
In a nutshell. Be sold out to the Lord our God and follow Him with our whole heart. Enjoying His presence in everything we do and everywhere we go. Of course, we will not be a 100% at this but just knowing that the Lord enjoys us with open arms draws us to Him in this way.

Have you noticed that when we live like this, peace, joy, love and all the fruits of His spirit flow from us while loneliness, being lost, emptiness, confusion. doubt and homesickness leaves. Now that is what I called blessed.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Isaiah 46:9-10; Jer 1:5; Psm 139:6

God gets to be God. He will accomplish His will, His purpose and His plans regardless of what we say, do, think or feel. He knew us while we were in the womb and recorded every moment of our lives as He laid out each micro second. That sound like a done deal to me. So the next question is this. Do we trust Him?

I do know a few things about this loving person, as do you. He desires to bring us, the entire human race, to Himself. That the whole reason for time is to bring us to repentance so we might receive eternal life through trusting our lives to Jesus the Christ and what he did for us at the cross. He is not bound by history, time or days. He created time. The scripture says that He was before time and will be after time. Looks to me like time is temporary and God is eternal which makes us eternal also.

The encouragement I get from these verses is that He has our lives already planned out. The length of our days, the plans even down to each moment. That comforts me especially when one of my children or grandchildren are sick, or away or seem in danger. It tells me that they will live the length of their days for he has planned them. Since God has a purpose for each one of us then His purpose in those I love will be filled as will his purpose for me; because God's plans can not be stopped. Even though it looks wrong, seems out of order or a Little impossible to accept at times, He knows what He is doing. He is a good, loving person who looks forward to the day when we will all be one in Him. The final purpose.

Monday, March 10, 2008


I am one of those early risers, like 3 am early. It is not my idea. Somewhere around 4o my clock changed and 3 am is normal for me now. One of the things I do like about that hour is the Worship Channel on TV. They show scenes, play Christian music and give mini sermons periodically. I thought I'd share a few of those moments with you this morning.

The minister said that we will punish ourselves if we violate our own conscience. Which means if we lie or live out or think on that which we think is less than perfect or right in God's eyes, we will punish ourselves. I pondered the thought in search of areas not okay with me. Where have I missed the mark? Have I lied to myself about the incident? Have I tried to cover up or avoid or just plain left the path? The best way to answer these questions is to look inside the heart. Is peace still in charge of my life? If not, then why?

The next thought presented referred to maturity.
  • One able to take responsibility for the words and actions of their life
  • The ability to delay gratification
  • Deciding to be truthful in every area of our lives

I have for some time believed that spiritual maturity meant love. Since I like to take things to the simplest explanation, I left it at that...Agape love. Meaning that when Agape love rules over our lives, we are spiritually mature. But when I look at these qualification above, Agape is present in each one. It caused me to expand my thinking. Agape not only applies to others and how I treat them but to myself and how I think about myself.

The next thought came from a Bible verse I read in conjunction with the Worship Channel, 2 Cor. 12:9. My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.

Have you noticed, the answer is always the same? The truth is always the same. The story, the way, the life is always the same. We can do nothing aside from the power of Christ in our lives. He tells us here that He works best through our weakness. That tells me that every day we need to come to Him, acknowledge, repent and accept our weakness in exchange for His power, power He gives abundantly to one in need. He supplies Agape love. We simply allow this love to flow through us (note: through us). We receive what we need at that time and thus allow it to overflow on to others.

Monday, March 3, 2008


One of the things we have as a result of the Holy Spirits presence in our life is faithfulness. It is part of the fruits of the Spirit that live in us continually. All of these fruits are a permanent part of our spirit and when we apply them we are truly alive. It is not even something we need to muster up on our own as they live in us. We simply place our heart and mind on the presence of Christ within us and they come alive, available so that we might live abundantly.

The verses that brought this to mind to day were found in 2Cor. 9:6-15. I know this verse is usually applied to giving money to those who need it or to the church but I think it applies to much more than money because of the phrases within the passages. I think it simply applies to being faithful in that we follow God's lead through everything everywhere.

Notice these encouraging phrases about what we receive when we give, serve, and help others:
  • Reap generously
  • All grace will abound in all things
  • We will abound in every good work
  • Supply and increase is added to our storehouse
  • Enlargement of the harvest of our righteousness
  • Others will praise God
  • Rich in every way
  • Others will pray for us with a tender heart

Oh to be in faith enough each day to look inside Christ's heart and take advantage of God's lead in such a way that we are found faithful to every detail of the abundant life He has for us.