Thursday, September 20, 2007

Our King

Due to a new awareness of the next generation, our family line and what we will leave behind as an influence, my husband and I decided to go through our old video's and eliminate any unhealthy films. As we watched some of those 'harmless' films, we were surprised at the messages, the language, the sexual connotation's, and the violence displayed. What we accepted in those early days as okay is not okay with us today. And those films from the 1960's through 2000 are nothing compared to what is recorded now. The verse in Psalms that says please deliver me from the sins of my youth popped into my mind often while watching these films.

To be honest, the media, the film industry, the magazines and the advertisements all seem designed to destroy heart, home, morality reality, trust, faith and anything else we value. We are told often in scripture that the battlefield is in the mind. It seems obvious to me that an evil mastermind is out there pouring these perverse thoughts through us in the form of entertainment and we pay to receive them.

Anyway, this week on cable, Turner Classics had the 1930's King Kong. Now 1930 sounds far enough back to be okay...right? Wrong. The sexual tone and violence in this film surprised me. How did it ever get past the sensors of that day? Now King Kong is not a film I enjoy anyway. It's just plain cruel. But we wanted to compare it with the King Kong of today. I had not seen the new one and many said the relationship with Kong was more of a friendship than a girl friend thing. Don't bother. The new one is filled with horrid, graphic violence; though the sexual thing was toned down.

There was one redeeming quality of the film for me. She was rescued by King King often. He was caring, loving and kind to her. She ran to him and found shelter, protection and provision. He was bigger than life... a King. I found a parallel to God's love for us in this picture. In one scene she slept in the palm of his hand, a huge hand that received and held her gently. I thought of the verses that tell us of God's guiding hand. His references to how we reside in the palm of His hand, how we are grafted to His hand. He is our King and He is bigger than life. He is the one who guides, protects, shelters, cares, loves and provides for us. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Isiah 51:16; Jer.18:6; Phil 4:8


Jennifer said...

Thanks Donna! We will be getting married next year! :). Keep us in your prayers. I came to US for 6 months... and I have become a beliver. the love of our LORD Jesus Christ is amazing. Will keep you in our prayers. Praise the LORD! God Bless you.


Ronny said...

Beloved Sister in Christ, It's Wonderful to see your Blogs..It truly enlightens and reveals the truth.. Praise GOD..:D

Looking forward to touching lives like you. Be blessed. Praise God..:D