Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Never Alone

Phil 2:6-11; Heb.4:14-16; Rom 8:38-39

Today, as I came before the Lord in prayer, I had a little conversation with Him. You see, I felt overwhelmed that we, as finite humans, creations who are limited by our very existence, are asked to be like Him. Of course, I am aware that He lives His life through us and we simply trust but do you find even that a bit difficult at times? That things in this life seem to knock us down?

"God," I said, "We are not as unfathomable as you. We are like one grain of sand on a beach filled with sand. We are so insignificant and lack the supernatural power that exists in just a slight move of your finger. You speak and the world exists. Who are we, that we should be like you?"

Then my mind was filled with how He has provided. He lives inside us. He knows our every thought. He knows our prayers, our needs and has the date for that supply appointed before we even ask. He counts the hairs on our head and has us on His mind every second of every day. But best of all is this. He came to earth, lived in human flesh, submitted to the trials and pains we experience and lives forever to intercede as one who sympathizes with our weakness.

We are not alone.

That means when we experience trouble, hardship, persecution, famine, nakedness, danger, or sword, He has been there. There is nothing in life we experience alone; neither death nor life, angles or demons, the present or the future, no power, no height, no depth, nor anything else in all creation is beyond His personal touch, experience, presence or love. He is with us through it all and always shall be.

We will never be alone.

1 comment:

Dee said...

I sometimes forget that I am not alone. Though good times and bad. Thank you for the reminder, I will keep it with me always.