Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Be aware

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight Oh my Lord my God".

This is from Psalms. It was part of a memory program in my women's bible study years ago. It feels good to be able to say it from memory again.

This verse ran through my mind this morning as I thought about the day before. It was a great day. I spent time with my daughter and her husband, we even had dinner together, the four of us, then we watched a PG movie called Cheaper by the Dozen 2. The movie was funny, not the funniest, but I liked the main actors and enjoyed the message as it supported family values.

However this morning as I prepared for the day I noticed the movie was not that great. I had been duped by the usual. We get so taken in by the world around us that we are not sensitive to garbage thrown at us because it is wrapped in a few family value thoughts or cute silly scenes. This movie contained definite verbal and visual sexual overtones (too much cleavage showing, skimpy suits, a dog after the crotch and humping not a leg this time but a complete female body) that cheapened it's message the morning after.

The movie is a cute movie, fun and funny, too bad it contained unnecessary garbage in its message. But the thing that bothered me most is me. I DID NOT notice it till the next day. I actually laughed and accepted it as a ...nice movie... I read scripture, write to you, enjoy worship, talk with the Lord, Pray with others and in the blink of an eye, in a moment forget to be alert. The junk on the screen before me, wrapped in silly humor, slipped into my soul unchecked.

The world's sickness is ready to creep into our lives at every turn. Be aware and have the courage to say NO, this is enough and not okay with me.

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in you sight Oh Lord My God.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

A Parable

Mark 4:1-20

"It's not what happens to you, it's what you do with what happens to you"

Remember the parable about the sower? I've heard many takes on this one. Some feel that the only seed that makes it is the seed on good ground. In other words if you are not good ground you will not receive eternal life. Another view is that some seed lives (has eternal life) but produces nothing. Still another says that all seed is meant to grow regardless, and that the ground represents different stages in a person's life. That is to say this: we all become good ground when the ground is tilled. Pain is indicated in this point of view for it is never pleasant to be tilled. God would need to dig up the weeds, soften the ground and remove all the stones that prevent a good crop.

I do not presume to know which interpretation is the correct one. I do prefer the last one but you must decide and rightfully divide the word for yourself with the help of the Holy Spirit as indicated in Scriptures. But for now let's look at the passage.

Jesus gave this for understanding:

  • Some people are like seed sown along a path. Satan comes and steals what was sown.
  • Other seed falls on rocky places, they receive the word with joy, but they have no root. Trouble and persecution causes them to quickly fall away.
  • When seed falls on thorny ground, worries, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things chokes the seed and it becomes unfruitful.
  • Then there is the seed that is sown on good soil. It produces a crop of thirty, sixty, even a hundred times.

I'm an incurable optimist. My heart leans toward the belief that God wants us all to live eternally with Him. So my hope is that those who hear the message of the cross regardless of where they are, overcome Satan's lies, become strong under persecution, turn worry and fear over to God's care and dump the lies found in wealth and doing things their way. That He will till the ground until it is free of all debris and soft enough to receive and produce a hundred times sown.

If you have agreed with my conclusion then be at peace with life. Regardless of what happens to us in this life know God is somehow in control and watches over us continually. Remember we have a God who loves us, one who has prepared a place for us when it's all over.

"It is not what happens to you, it's what you do with what happens to you."

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Search for Significance

Search for Significance is the title of a book for all of us. It was written by a man named Robert S. McGee. I had the privilege of listening to this man in person during the 80's. Many of his books are hard to find or out of print. That is why I write to you today. I'd like to put you in contact with his work and ministry. This is his web address: www.mcgeepublishing.com

I'm sure all of you have noticed as have I that people are preoccupied with themselves. Test it out. Say hello, how are you, and notice how the other person soon talks about themselves before they show any interest in you. I had one friend one time that always asked about me first, but I usually diverted to her. She never asked again. We'd talk for hours. When we said goodbye she realized I'd not spoken about my life, but by then, the time was gone. I love her dearly and accept this relationship as it is for she has a kind heart.

We all fall into that trap..... but... Conversation means two people share equally and enjoy each other's lives, show interest, care, even offer to pray together if Christianity is in the picture. Check your conversations. Do your friends get negative, do they rant and rave about something, or dump all their pain on you? Are there any positives, do you leave uplifted, encouraged? Probably not. They are in search of significance, a healing because they do not understand how much Christ loves them.

Another scenario is when someone wants to tell you how great they are, how great their lives are and their importance in society. They too are in search for significance. Addictions, dysfunctional families (we are all dysfunctional by the way), codependency, abuse sufferers all are in search of significance. The examples can go on forever.

So what is healthy? Lives that center on Christ, not self. The knowledge that we are all equally loved, valued and accepted by Him and expressing ourselves accordingly. Anything else is at the very least boring.

The Scriptures tell us to consider others as more important than ourselves, to be concerned about the other person's welfare, to care for the sick, those in prison, orphans, widows and the list goes on. We are asked by Christ to deny ourselves and to take up our cross and follow Him. What does all this mean? Simply said it means our only significance is found in Christ.

Do you know anyone who would lay down their life for you and in that process give you Eternal Life? That person would have to be the most powerful, most loving individual in the universe. His name is Jesus Christ and He did exactly that for all of us. That gives us significance.

The rest that we search for is dysfunctional and comes as a result of the fallen world we live in. Let the life of Christ free you from a wasted existence of searching for significance. The real treasure has already been given to us, the real search has already been done. What we really search for in life is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. This is the abundant life and this is ours through Christ.

No, we do not need to love ourselves more, to get our piece of the pie, to mow the other person down if he gets in the way of what we want. We do not need toys called Bratz, or more Mean Girls, or powerful men. We do not need to be the richest, most beautiful, or the smartest person in the world to gain significance. And those who have given up because the search for significance failed, those in sex, drugs, alcohol, gambling addictions and co-dependant relationships look up. Your freedom, redemption is found in your creator, Christ.

There are many people who point to Christ for this freedom. Robert S. McGee is one of them.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Narrow walk

I listened to a teacher one time who said, "eventually you come to the conclusion that it is just plain stupid to live in sin. Even if I were not a Christian, I'd follow the walk because it's the best way to live."

The more I read scripture, especially the ones in Proverbs and Psalms, the more truth I see in that statement. The actions of our lives and the fruits of our lips reap a result.
In Psalms we get a clue into God's heart and how He loves us. In Proverbs we get a sharp view on how to live with our fellow man. What wisdom.

A few examples for us to ponder
Proverbs 16: 7,5,17,18,24,32
Proverbs 14: 3,4,7,14,15,30
Proverbs 12:3, 12,14
Psalms 128
Psalms 32
It's all about how much God loves us, realizing this and acting accordingly. What we say, think, feel and do affects our lives directly. Like the one in Psalms 128 that says we will eat the fruit of our deeds or in Proverbs 12:14 that indicates we will eat the fruit of our lips. A continual feast is before us, a feast of wisdom that will lead us into not only an abundant life but peace. Something we all need in a world that has never been at peace. Enjoy!
Thank you Lord for your word. Keep us on the straight and narrow road of abundant life in You.

Saturday, August 11, 2007


To God be the glory for the things He has done.

As Christians we accept, believe and understand that this is where glory belongs. We even want Him to receive glory for things He inspires us to do. Sometimes singers point to the sky after a performance. Others in His service say "God gets all the glory for the success of this ministry." It's become an expected response for any action, service or deed done in our Christian world. Have you ever thought about this response and why we automatically do this?

The obvious answers:
We want to honor God.
We feel He requires this honor.
We know He is the only one who deserves all honor and glory.

These are probably true but is it also possible that God is the only one who can handle glory and that is why He directs this action of the heart toward Him? That worship, honor and praise has the power to destroy us. That pride enters into the hearts of us all when we receive glory? Is not pride one of those destructive forces in life?

Scripture often encourages us to give God praise, worship, honor, glory, to exalt Him. We place Him above us and bow before Him when He receives all the glory. Pride is non-existent when He receives all the glory.

Yes, God does us a kindness when He receives all the glory, praise, worship and awe. He brings us the breath of life. He brings us unconditional love. He supplies a future and hope. He counts every hair on our head, keeps every tear in a bottle, He gives us His nature and produces positive actions in our heart. He delivers us, cares for us, watches over us, lives inside us reconciles us to Himself and loves us deeply. Why would we even want the glory?

Without Him the breath of life is gone. Without Him we'd continue in sin. We'd freefall to death for life is found in Him. Without Him love would not exist. Life is in Him. Why would we want the glory?

Whenever you are tempted to bask in the light of glory remember the danger. A great lady named Corey Ten Boom said that appreciation was like a bouquet of flowers. She graciously received the bouquet, then promptly in her heart lifted the bouquet to God.

Col 1:13,27; Jer 29;11; Rom 5:10; Phil 2:13

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The Ministry

Christians often ask, "What am I supposed be doing for the Lord? What is my gift? Where am I to serve? What is my calling, ministry?"

I also asked those questions for years. I spent much time learning about the gifts of the Spirit, the manifestations of the Spirit, the ministry of the Spirit. I studied books on where, how and when to serve. If these were questions for me, I know they are questions for you also.

Here are a few tidbits that helped me. Maybe they will help you.

One source was Experiencing God. The bottom line in that book was to get to know God personally. Once that task is settled in us then look around and see where God is working. If we agree in heart with that ministry, we should join them.

The other huge piece of this puzzle was to know who we are in Christ (the basic understanding that love, value and acceptance can only be found in Him) and to understand His goals (the ministry of each of us to others). Then follow Him as He leads us in random acts of kindness...attributes of His love.

His Goals

Gifts of The Spirit (Romans 12:6-8)

Prophesy, serving, teaching, encouraging, contributing, leadership, mercy.

Each of us is given one of these gifts. What is yours?
A good source for this information is found at http://www.calvaryphx.com/, ask them for the Gifts of the Spirit CD.

Manifestations of the Spirit (1 Cor.12:4-7)

Wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miraculous powers, prophecy, distinguishing spirits, tongues, interpretation of tongues.

Since these are a manifestation of the power of God's Spirit, He will place these powers in us as needed. That means we will operate in any or all of them at a time appointed by Him (it's about Him and His love).

Ministries set in place (Eph.4:11)

Prophets, teachers, pastors, evangelists, apostles.

That is where the book Experiencing God helped me. Most of us will find a ministry to fit into and once in that ministry a few will go out and begin a ministry. Not many, only a few. Most of us will be satisfied in our service. If you are at a crossroad on this point, remember God most always calls us to an established ministry first. Then leads us out.

The Spirit of God deals with each of us differently. He places in each of us His love and that Love is expressed through the leading of His Spirit. The result is as varied and unique as the patterns in snowflakes. Yet each of us follow the same manifestation....love.

Simply said: Each of us has a gift and this gift can and will be accompanied by one or more of the manifestations depending on its application to the specific ministry we are drawn to through His walk of love.

It's not about the task, it's about His love
It's not about the ministry, it's about His love
It's not about the gift, it's about His love.
It's not about the the place, it's about His love
It's not about the club, it's about His love
It's not about church, it's about His love
It's not about us, it's about His love

If you are unsatisfied, lost, confused, looking for direction, irritated, in sin, then ask yourself this question: What is my motivation? Why am I here? If it is not about Him and His love, change needs to take place, regardless of the circumstance.

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your might and love your neighbor as yourself. Luke 10:12