Thursday, February 28, 2008

Listen closely

Proverbs 4:20-27

My son, pay attention to what I say; listen closely to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart, for they are life to those who find them and health to a man's whole body. Above all else, guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life. Put away perversity from your mouth; keep corrupt talk far from your lips. Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you. Make level paths for your feet and take only ways that are firm. Do not swerve to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil.

What a great passage.
Pay attention, listen closely, keep your heart, put perverse talk( that includes negative faithless words), look straight ahead, fix your gaze, take a firm path, keep from evil.

Seems pretty obvious. If we want an abundant, healthy life in body soul and spirit, we need to simply LISTEN CLOSELY to the word of God, apply his instruction and TRUST He knows what He is doing regardless of the fears we feel or sense. Follow Him.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Bible Study

I am having an odd week. I decided to change all my schedules and take a mini retreat. I cancelled almost everything and added God. You know the feeling, irritations, cranky, unholy talk filled with negatives and wrong attitudes, a lack faith that fills the soul with fear. I know, retreats are usually taken with other women who join together in the mountains or some special place. Not this one. I am completely alone, and I'm loving every moment. I am one of those people that gain energy when I get alone, while the other group gains energy when they are with people. They call me an introvert for that, but I don't feel like one...who are THEY anyway.

I've been to two bible studies and visited a friend I've not talked to for over 15 years. Was a delightful time of refreshment.

Now the bible studies I must share with you. One was a walk through the old testament in historical order through pictures with a woman called Vicky Semeru You must get her book on this unique presentation.

Let me give you a hunger to know more with a few tid bits:

God is above the heavens. Everything rests on him and he knows no beginning or end. He was before time and will be after time. He in fact created time to bring us in relationship with Him. Christ is the focus of the old testament and as you watch the history unfold notice the word references to him as God begins his process to redeem us all. (The italics are pictures.)

God's time line:
God created the world it was good and perfect
Adam and eve created and sinned. They required a garment from the death of an animal.
The ark with a rainbow of promise
Tower to babble.. God confused the language and destroyed the towers power.
Abraham...his descendant's would be as many as the stars in heaven
Issac to be sacrifice on pile of stones/ knife
Isaac sons Esau and Jacob. Esau sold birth right to Jacob for bowl of food.
Jacob fathered the 12 tribes. tents. Jacobs ladder and Jacobs is now called Israel.
Joseph, a son of Jacob had the the coat of many colors. Sold into slavery by brothers.
Joseph found favor with the Pharaoh, pyramid. Israel delivered from famine.
History passes and they are now slaves in Egypt a whip.
Moses the deliver...Passover lamb, tabernacle in dessert, word of God.
Moses receives the ten commandments. tablets
Joshua leads the people to the promise land. feet and picture of the land divided the 12 sons.
People ask for judges, not God's idea. Crown with line through it
Eli selects Saul as king a crown.
Saul becomes unfaithful to god so his line is cut off.
David selected by God from tribe of Judah from Jacob from Isaac from Abraham Large crown with a star. Israel is now a nation not tribes.
Solomon builds a temple for God.
The nation Israel is divided in half. Map divided in half.
North kingdom ruled Jeroboam called Israel kingdom. Taken captive by Assyria.
Southern half called Judah, taken over by Babylon.
Israel in captivity but allowed to live in the land.
Under foreign rule by Babylon, then Persia, then Greece, then Romans
The Cross our redeemer.

The second bible studies message was by Beth Moore. Basic with many wonderful illustrations.
When we trust in the Lord we do not sin. When we do not trust or believe our fear leads us into sin. It happens in cycles. Notice the trigger of the cycle. Notice when trust leaves because sin is soon to follow. We will continue to go around the same circle till we choose to say no to fear and trust past the fear. Note God never gives up on us He knows beginning to end so he will see us through regardless of what we do.

Been a nice retreat for me so far. Hope you enjoyed what I learned.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


I thought I would list verses that encouage me daily. I have these and others posted on bulletin boards or plaques on the wall.

Phil 4: 8 Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure. whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anythig worthy of praise, dwell on these things.

Romans 15: 13.28 May the god of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.

Gal. 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

May they encouage you today and always.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Our Divine Valentine

I've been so busy that I neglected my emails yesterday. My daughter sent me one that warmed my heart so I went to that wonderful Dayspring Card site and ran across one called the Divine Valentine. You must give youself a treat and listen to it's perfect message. Though I will not do it justice this is what it had to say:

Your valentine may sing love songs to you,
The Lord God will rejoice over you with singing.
Zephaniah 3:17

Your valentine may give you flowers,
The Lord God gives you the Rose of Sharon.
Songs of Soloman 2:1

Your love may take you to Dinner,
The Lord God prepares a feast for you.

You may receive Chocolates,
Your Divine Valentines words are sweeter than honey.
Psm 119:103

Your valentine may live far away,
The Lord you God is always with you.
Matt 28:20

Your valentine may give you something,
The Lord your God gives you everything.
1Tim 6:17

Your love may love you for a life time,
The Lord will love you for all eternity.
Jer 31:3

Although this is a day late, it's message is eternal. Enjoy your Divine Valentine today. He is all we need.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Keep On

1 Cor. 15:56

Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

Some times we get discouraged in our labor for the Lord because of our walk in this life. I think the most discouragement comes to me becuse of all the mistakes I've made. Times when I have been selfish, run ahead of the Lord or been so prideful that I thought I was in control and knew best. Yes, what a foolish way to live life considering the enlightenment that comes from that moment of salvation. That moment which brings us into His presence for all eternity. But we all do this. We all mess up, sin, think we know best and take off in our own specific directions. None of which are the directions God has laid before us. These mistakes and wrong turns discourage me the most.

But praise be to our Lord and Savior. He knew our lives and the directions and the mistakes long before we were even born. He accepted us, saved and delivered us from the domain of darkness anyway. Not only did He do all this, He allowed us, imperfect us, to share in the Labor in the Lord.

Let's look at what that means:

Labor in the Lord. By now you all know I like to take things to the simplest explaination. Labor means a job, work. In the Lord means something He gave us to do, something He lays before us to do, something we know beyond a doubt He wants us to do. This assingnment is not something we do on our own. He thouroughly intends to do the specifice work through us. We simply get the privilege of working along side Him. His superatural process in, through, and around us accomplishes this work.

Then this verse gives us great encouagement. It says that the Labor in the Lord is not in vain.
Not in vain. Regardless of what He has called us to do, it will take place and it is not done in vain. In other words, He will accomplish what He wants to accomplish regardless of how slow, how inadequate or how poorly we think we did the job. He makes it happen. We are asked to stand firm, to continue, to keep on.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Proverbs 17:1 It is better to have a crust of bread in peace than feasting with strife.(paraphrased by me.)

Peace, what a nice word. I think today we spend too much time looking for a thrill, or way to keep busy so bordome will not hit. We buy toys, seek riches, increase our intelect and sacrifice for body beautiful. True, the world believes that money, good looks and riches give us value. Of course, those of us who know Christ have heard over and over how beauty fades, riches are stolen and God reveals himself to the humble not the proud. None of the which brings peace.

Christ is the Prince of peace. He brings peace. Not the kind the world brings but the kind only He brings. Peace is part of the fruits of the Holy spirit. Peace is a gift and part of salvation. Do we have peace?

The only way to receive peace is to receive Christ and all he offers to us as Children of God. Yet we experience strife often. Maybe it is because of the company we keep, the places we find oursleves in or things that encompass lives. We are called to Love, Joy, PEACE, patience kindness, gooodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self control. These, the attrubutes of the Holy Spirit, live inside us. Anything that depleats, slaks or steals this from us needs to be elelminated or at the very least avoided.

Fear not. Regardles of what we think we may loose by seperating ourselves for what we believe brings happiness, we loose nothing. For it is better to live with only a crust of bread and be at peace than to feast in wealth or what ever else we treasere and live in strife or discord.

May peace rule your life today.