A man who remains stiff necked after many rebukes will suddenly be destroyed with out remedy.
Anything that takes us from God and the worship of God is an idol. Idols can be anything we rely on to supply our needs or love enough to totally occupy our heart and mind. Things that are good but become bad as a result of worship. Idols can be jobs, people, hobbies, children or any object once we choose to worship them. There is a simple test for identifying idols: can you give it up? Can you say... God, I accept your will in my life. I choose you. Here, I give this to you. If you can not do this,then regardless of what is, it is an idol in your life.
As I look into this verse, I notice several things. One is this: will suddenly be cut off. That phrase is not God's judgment. God has, will and will always seek us out. He does not cut us off. His desire is to bring us all to Himself. We cut ourselves off from Him. The verse points to our response. Note what is says about the responder.
- He remains stiff necked: He decides. It is a decision to not listen to God's call.
- He ignores many rebukes: He continues to turn from God and walks away from God's light, a choice to stay in darkness.
- Sudden destruction comes: Eventually he lacks the ability to respond. A habit forms, a habit which leads to destruction.
- No remedy available: Thoughts lead to actions, actions lead to habits, habits lead to a life style, a life style decides our destiny. We either choose God, or we do not.
Lets take a a moment and look at the idols in our lives, those mini gods and habits. Do they lead us into worship of the one true God? Are we surrendered to Christ and His leading?
Do not despaired. If you are caught up in something, ask for a miracle. Ask Him to take control and watch Him lead you to eternal life now and in the future.